I am doing a controlpanel below fotorama. Everything is working, except that I am not able to add the spans for the buttons created in the jquery into a div. I am using insertAfter as it needs to be After the fotorama_nav_wrap. I have been playing with append, but I can´t manage it. I want to have the buttons in this div:
This is the jquery: // 1. Initialize fotorama manually. var $fotoramaDiv = jQuery('.fotorama_custom').fotorama();
// 2. Get the API object.
var fotorama = $fotoramaDiv.data('fotorama');
if (jQuery('.fotorama_custom__arr').length > 0) {
jQuery("<span class='fotorama_custom__arr--prev'> <</span>").insertAfter(".fotorama__nav-wrap");
jQuery("<span class='fotorama_custom__arr--next'>></span").insertAfter(".fotorama__nav-wrap");
jQuery("<span class='fotorama_custom__buttonplay'>P</span>").insertAfter(".fotorama__nav-wrap");
jQuery("<span class='fotorama_custom__buttonstop'>S</span>").insertAfter(".fotorama__nav-wrap");
jQuery('.fotorama_custom__arr--prev').click(function () {
jQuery('.fotorama_custom__arr--next').click(function () {
$(function () {
var $fotorama = $('#start-n-stop'),
fotorama = $fotorama.data('fotorama'),
$thumbBorder = $('.fotorama__thumb-border', $fotorama),
thumbBorderColor = $thumbBorder.css('border-color'),
thumbBackground = $thumbBorder.css('background'),
$start = $('#start'),
$stop = $('#stop');
Updated with solution: It works now, I changed the insert.After to append, and then appended the div:
$('.fotorama') // Initialize .fotorama() .each(function () {
$('.fotorama__nav', this).after(
$(this) .next('.fotorama-control') .
show() ); }); $('.fotorama-control').append
("<span class='fotorama_custom__arr--prev'><</span>");
jQuery('.fotorama_custom__arr--prev').click(function () {