。我没有将其缩小到模糊半径的确切数量,但 16 像素可以正常工作,32 已经太多了,甚至没有计算出一半的组。
那么,着色器函数调用需要多长时间才能完成或类似的事情是否有任何限制?我刚刚完成了关于如何使用 Metal 框架的大部分文档,我不记得偶然发现过任何这样的陈述。
//Exhaustive Search Block-matching algorithm
kernel void naiveMotion(
texture2d<float,access::read> inputImage1 [[ texture(0) ]],
texture2d<float,access::read> inputImage2 [[ texture(1) ]],
texture2d<float,access::write> outputImage [[ texture(2) ]],
uint2 gid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]]
//area to search for matches
float searchSize = 10.0;
int searchRadius = searchSize/2;
//window size to search in
int kernelSize = 6;
int kernelRadius = kernelSize/2;
//this will store the motion direction
float2 vector = float2(0.0,0.0);
float2 maxVector = float2(searchSize,searchSize/2);
float maxVectorLength = length(maxVector);
//maximum error caused by noise
float error = kernelSize*kernelSize*(10.0/255.0);
for (int y = -searchRadius; y < searchRadius; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < searchSize; ++x)
float diff = 0;
for (int b = - kernelRadius; b < kernelRadius; ++b)
for (int a = - kernelRadius; a < kernelRadius; ++a)
uint2 textureIndex(gid.x + x + a, gid.y + y + b);
float4 targetColor = inputImage2.read(textureIndex).rgba;
float4 referenceColor = inputImage1.read(gid).rgba;
float targetGray = 0.299*targetColor.r + 0.587*targetColor.g + 0.114*targetColor.b;
float referenceGray = 0.299*referenceColor.r + 0.587*referenceColor.g + 0.114*referenceColor.b;
diff = diff + abs(targetGray - referenceGray);
if ( error > diff )
error = diff;
//vertical motion is rather irrelevant but negative values can't be stored so just take the absolute value
vector = float2(x, abs(y));
float intensity = length(vector)/maxVectorLength;
outputImage.write(float4(normalize(vector), intensity, 1),gid);
我在 960x540px 图像上使用该着色器。使用searchSize
9 和kernelSize
8 时,着色器会在整个图像上运行。将 searchSize 更改为 10,着色器将提前停止并显示错误代码 1。