raspberrypi_defconfig 配置是启动 Raspberry Pi 所需的所有配置的最小配置。您应该基于此 defconfig 进行工作:
$ 制作 raspberrypi_defconfig
$ 制作 raspberrypi_dt_defconfig
对于 Raspberry Pi 2,使用不同的 defconfig:
$ 制作 raspberrypi2_defconfig
raspberrypi2_defconfig是在 Raspberry Pi 2 上使用 buildroot 所必需的,还是仅包含 RPi2 优化?我问的原因是我在 Buildroot 的最新稳定版本中找不到该配置,并且当前的 git 版本中止了构建
"HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404: Not Found"
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fredrik/buildroot/output/build/host-lzop-1.03'
>>> linux 2c4959b772a35d9d459b0a92f39bb066e9a44d37 Downloading
Doing shallow clone
Cloning into bare repository 'linux-2c4959b772a35d9d459b0a92f39bb066e9a44d37'...
WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-BVQjKJ/pkcs11: No such file or directory
POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1077 to 570 bytes)
POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1086 to 577 bytes)
remote: Counting objects: 223619, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (141382/141382), done.
remote: Total 223619 (delta 145491), reused 134621 (delta 80295), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (223619/223619), 271.86 MiB | 1.80 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (145491/145491), done.
warning: Remote branch 2c4959b772a35d9d459b0a92f39bb066e9a44d37 not found in upstream origin, using HEAD instead
fatal: not a tree object
--2015-04-13 00:26:38--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2015-04-13 00:26:38 ERROR 404: Not Found.
make: *** [/home/fredrik/buildroot/output/build/linux-2c4959b772a35d9d459b0a92f39bb066e9a44d37/.stamp_downloaded] Error 1