I'm using jQuery Countdown plugin. It works fine but when I change the time on my computer, the countdown changes too. I mean the countdown cannot be accurate if the time set on the user's computer is not accurate.
This is how I initiate:
$('#counting-down').countdown('2015/4/25 14:30:00', function(event) {
var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(''
+ '<div class="days"> <span>%D</span><label>days</label> </div>'
+ '<div class="hours"> <span>%H</span><label>hours</label> </div>'
+ '<div class="minutes"> <span>%M</span><label>minutes</label> </div>'
+ '<div class="seconds"> <span>%S</span><label>seconds</label> </div>'
any solution to make this countdown based on the real time?