I'm building a Tetris game in Java using some software design patterns. Basically, I created a factory algorithm that retrieves a string to figure out what type of tetris object to make when it's given a request by the main game loop, see code:

public class TVShapeFactory {

    protected TVShape tvShape = null;
    protected GameContainer gc;

    TVShapeFactory(GameContainer gc) {
        this.gc = gc;

    public TVShape createShape(String shape) {
        if (shape=="TVIShape") {
            tvShape = new TVIShape(gc);
        else if (shape=="TVOShape") {
            tvShape = new TVOShape(gc);
        else if (shape=="TVLShape") {
            tvShape = new TVLShape(gc);
        else if (shape=="TVZShape") {
            tvShape = new TVZShape(gc);
        else if (shape=="TVJShape") {
            tvShape = new TVJShape(gc);
        else if (shape=="TVSShape") {
            tvShape = new TVSShape(gc);
        else if (shape=="TVTShape") {
            tvShape = new TVTShape(gc);
        else {
            System.out.println("Error: invalid type of shape");
        return tvShape;

If you don't know what gc is, it's simply a part of Slick 2D's library and is used to work with the full game environment. Anyways, I created a few other methods to randomly generate a shape for the game (such that the main game loop receives a random shape every time, but I feel like RNG doesn't cut it, I want to make it harder. I noticed there's a famous tetris algorithm called Bastet tetris, but it didn't make sense to me. Any suggestions you guys have for making a HARD tetris shape generation algorithm? Here's my simple RNG algorithm:

public TVShape getRandomShape() {

    TVShape[] shapes = new TVShape[7];
    shapes[0] = createShape("TVIShape");
    shapes[1] = createShape("TVOShape");
    shapes[2] = createShape("TVLShape");
    shapes[3] = createShape("TVZShape");
    shapes[4] = createShape("TVJShape");
    shapes[5] = createShape("TVSShape");
    shapes[6] = createShape("TVTShape");

    int index = new Random().nextInt(shapes.length);
    return shapes[index];

2 回答 2




在基本层面上,2x2 方形和长 4x1 形状是“最简单的”,因为您通常可以更轻松地堆叠它们。所以你可以制作一个随机形状生成器,它返回它们的频率是其他形状的一半:

public TVShape getRandomShape() {

    TVShape[] shapes = new TVShape[12];
    shapes[0] = createShape("TVIShape");
    shapes[1] = createShape("TVOShape");
    shapes[2] = createShape("TVLShape");
    shapes[3] = createShape("TVLShape");
    shapes[4] = createShape("TVZShape");
    shapes[5] = createShape("TVZShape");
    shapes[6] = createShape("TVJShape");
    shapes[7] = createShape("TVJShape");
    shapes[8] = createShape("TVSShape");
    shapes[9] = createShape("TVSShape");
    shapes[10] = createShape("TVTShape");
    shapes[11] = createShape("TVTShape");

    int index = new Random().nextInt(shapes.length);
    return shapes[index];


对于每个形状,遍历可以放置它的所有有效位置,以及所有可能的旋转(每个形状 1、2 或 4 个),并根据几个标准对每个可能的位置进行评分:

  • 放置后堆栈在最高点的高度。每次身高增加负分。
  • 放置是否导致任何行被完全填充。每个已完成的行都是一个正分数。
  • 堆栈中有多少个孔(一列中最高占用方格下方的空白方格)。每个洞都是负分。
  • 你能想到的任何其他事情


因此,例如,您可以生成一个介于 0 和 27 之间的数字,然后根据该数字进行选择:

  • 0-6 最差形状
  • 7-12 次最差形状
  • 13-17第三差的形状
  • 18-21 倒数第四
  • 22-24第三佳身材
  • 25-26次最佳身材
  • 27最好的形状


于 2015-04-10T01:50:15.213 回答

而不是“==”符号使用 .equals() 函数来比较字符串。== 用于检查两个字符串是否具有相同的引用。而 .equals() 方法用于检查两个字符串是否具有相同的值。代替



于 2015-04-10T01:30:39.223 回答