The following script for the Jenkins Workflow plugin:

def mapping = readFile 'a file'
mapping.eachLine {
      def line = it.tokenize('|')
      sh "${line[1]}"

requires script approvals:

staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods tokenize java.lang.String java.lang.String
staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods eachLine java.lang.String java.lang.String

In order to have the script run successfully a build must be attempted, a manual approval must be granted, and then another build must be attempted again, and so on.

For large scripts it is a rather tedious process to keep white listing methods.

Is there a subset of groovy methods which do not require script approval and/or white listing?


1 回答 1



Script Security 插件附带了一些已列入白名单的方法。您在此处列出的方法尚未使用。JENKINS-25804 默认跟踪将常规计算方法列入白名单的愿望。

请注意,如果您使用来自 SCM 脚本源的 Groovy CPS DSL,则故意没有禁用沙盒模式的选项,即使用整个脚本批准模式。这是因为管理员需要在每次提交编辑后批准整个脚本,无论多么微不足道。相比之下,使用Groovy CPS DSL源,管理员所做的每个编辑都会立即记录为已批准,而无需单独的步骤。

于 2015-04-09T19:33:55.620 回答