How do I use the koala gem to get information from an app page?
For example, if I want to get information about candy crush saga's liked pages, I type @graph.get_object(candycrushsaga+"/likes").

How can I get other features such as comments, likes, and shares?
Is this possible using koala?


1 回答 1


you can use feed node using get_connections, i.e.

@graph.get_connections('candycrushsaga','feed?fields=status_type,type,story,message,likes{name},comments,link,name, from')

More info https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.3/page/feed and https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.3/post#fields.

于 2015-05-19T05:28:30.347 回答