I'm still learning more about Rails and I'm starting to play around with APIs, but I can't seem to figure out how to get an input from a form to the Model.

I want to take the User input (in the form of a zip code) and have it spit out the weather info at that user location.

Form on home.html.erb

<%= form_tag(root_path) do %>
  <%= label_tag :zip, "ENTER YOUR ZIPCODE TO FIND YOUR WEATHER"  %><br>
  <%= text_field_tag :zip,'', placeholder: "e.g. 91765 " %>
  <%= submit_tag "show me the weather!" %>
<% end %>

Controller pages_controller.rb

class PagesController < ApplicationController

  def home
    @weather_lookup = WeatherLookup.new(params[:zip])

Model weather_lookup.rb

class WeatherLookup
  attr_accessor :temperature, :weather_condition, :city, :state, :zip

  def initialize(zip)
    self.zip = zip
    zip = 91765 if zip.blank?
    weather_hash = fetch_weather(zip)

  def fetch_weather(zip)
    p zip

  def weather_values(weather_hash)
    self.temperature = weather_hash.parsed_response['current_observation']['temp_f']
    self.weather_condition = weather_hash.parsed_response['current_observation']['weather']
    self.city = weather_hash.parsed_response['location']['city']
    self.state = weather_hash.parsed_response['location']['state']

I'm not exactly sure how to get the input from the form to the model. This is literally just to show the weather. I'm not trying to save anything in a database


2 回答 2


It seems like you are not hitting your home controller after you hit submit. Make sure you are routing correctly with

root to: 'pages#home'

and add this to your form

<%= form_tag(root_path, method: 'get') do %>
于 2015-04-09T01:50:36.200 回答

The form helper defaults to "POST" if you don't provide a method. From the looks of your controller, "GET" is what you want. Here's some documentation to provide additional context. The updated form:

<%= form_tag(root_path, method: "get") do %>
    <%= label_tag :zip, "ENTER YOUR ZIPCODE TO FIND YOUR WEATHER"  %><br>
    <%= text_field_tag :zip,'', placeholder: "e.g. 91765 " %>
    <%= submit_tag "show me the weather!" %>
<% end %>

Next, if you try to instantiate your @weather_lookup variable without params[:zip], Rails will throw an error. Adding a conditional to your controller will solve this:

class PagesController < ApplicationController

  def home
    if params[:zip]
      @weather_lookup = WeatherLookup.new(params[:zip])


Be sure your routes are set up. Something defining root should exist in routes.rb. For example:

  root "pages#home" 

I believe you also have to parse the JSON into a hash inside your model. Adding that to the weather_values method:

  def weather_values(weather_json)
    weather_hash = JSON.parse weather_json
    self.temperature = weather_hash.parsed_response['current_observation']['temp_f']
    self.weather_condition = weather_hash.parsed_response['current_observation']['weather']
    self.city = weather_hash.parsed_response['location']['city']
    self.state = weather_hash.parsed_response['location']['state']

Finally, be sure you're referencing @weather_lookup somewhere in your view, else the data won't show. A simple, unformatted example:

<%= @weather_lookup %>

Assuming the logic works in your model, the JSON should render after you submit a ZIP code via the form. I don't have an API key else I would have tested this myself.

于 2015-04-09T03:02:48.350 回答