我正在通过“ ”蚂蚁任务构建我的 MobileFirst 7.0( MF 版本 消费者版)混合应用程序。app-builder
[app-builder] Apr 08, 2015 10:23:05 AM com.worklight.builder.sourcemanager.handlers.android.AndroidManifestSourceHandler checkBuildTarget
[app-builder] WARNING: FWLST1119W: Android build will fail because the API level used to compile the project is not supported by the MobileFirst Platform Studio.
[app-builder] It is recommended to use Android API level 21 which is the latest API level supported by the IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio. Use the Android SDK Manager to install API level 21, configure your project to build with API level 21 by updating the Project Build Target in Project / Properties / Android dialog.
[app-builder] Apr 08, 2015 10:23:10 AM com.worklight.ant.builders.ApplicationBuilderTask execute
[app-builder] SUCCESS: FWLST2001I: Successfully built environments: [common, ipad, android, iphone]
我已将我的项目的 API 配置为使用 API 级别 21,即使这样它也给了我同样的警告。还有其他地方我必须更改 API 级别吗?
AndroidManifest.xml : <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="21"/>
project.properties : target=android-21
Project Build Target in Project / Properties / Android dialog : Target Name: 5.0.1, API Level : 21