We're making a forum where access is supposed to be denied by unregistered users. I want to show a proper error message - not an exception - for users that are not allowed there. How do I achieve this in Neos 2.0?
Both read and write access should be denied. Maybe it's easier to deny access to the node where the forum is? But wouldn't that need hard-coding of node path?
Current Policy.yaml
matcher: 'method(My\Package\PostController->(index|new|create)Action(.*))'
privilegeTarget: 'My.Package:PostControllerLoggedInActions'
permission: DENY
privilegeTarget: 'My.Package:PostControllerLoggedInActions'
permission: GRANT
Edit: Here are some slides about (among other things) how to create a custom 404 page: https://speakerdeck.com/aertmann/tasty-recipes-for-every-day-neos
Edit 2: Use Flow exception handler?