i am developing a ruby on rails (2.3.8) application with data storage amazon simpledb. i am using the aws-sdb gem in the version aws-sdb (0.3.1) there are a few bugs, but the problems are outlined in the comments of this tutorial from amazon: http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1242

i am wondering if it is a bug of the gem or maybe a proxy issue, but i cannot delete any data from simpledb. anyone else experienced this or has a clue?

>> t=Team.find(:first)
=> #<Team:0x329f718 @prefix_options={}, @attributes={"updated_at"=>Fri May 28 16:33:17 UTC 2010, "id"=>0}>
>> t.destroy
=> #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK  readbody=true>
>> t=Team.find(:first)
=> #<Team:0x321ad38 @prefix_options={}, @attributes={"updated_at"=>Fri May 28 16:33:17 UTC 2010, "id"=>0}>

the team model is a normal ActiveResource Model, according to said tutorial.

   class Team < ActiveResource::Base
     self.site   = "http://localhost:8888" # Proxy host + port
     self.prefix = "/fb2010_dev/"       # SDB domain

1 回答 1


我无法从 simpledb 中删除任何数据。其他人经历过这个或有线索吗?


于 2011-05-24T05:28:02.577 回答