I have a program which uses a tkinter GUI along with the tktable module (I use it to display the results of a SQL query). It works fine when running it as a .py file, but compiling it into a .exe results in an error with the program not being able to locate tktable.

I am using pyinstaller to make my .exe and I know that tktable is not on the list of supported modules. Is there a way to make this work? I made an attempt to use py2exe as well using the following code:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

options = {'py2exe': {
       'packages': ['pyodbc','tktable'],
       'includes': 'decimal',
       'bundle_files': 1,
       'dist_dir': "exe/dist/dir"
       'dll_excludes'  }}

setup(console=['<PYTHON FILE>'], options=options,zipfile = None)

but the compiled executable simply crashes (works fine for pyodbc, but not for tktable). Is there support out there for compiling the tktable module to be used with an executable?


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