I tried to start a fairly complex application within ARC. The app uses native code which is available as armeabi-v7a and as x86 libraries, the app starts native threads (inside the C++ code), uses Java reflection, audio and camera, callback from C++ into Java, etc. I use API 19 as target API.

After a short time I get a plugin crash. When I do an inspect the JS console of my app just says:

0xA559F1B5 is not a valid instance ID.    gen_index.min.js:108 
plugin crashed: captured minidump         gen_index.min.js:108

Another inspect shows this:

ARC Window Popup: 26.180ms                   gen_main.min.js:64
ARC appWindow Init: 2.260ms                  gen_main.min.js:66 
ARC onInstalled HTML5 FS init: 99.148ms      gen_main.min.js:33 
Received a crash                             gen_main.min.js:35
prod: ARC                                    gen_main.min.js:35
arc_app_name: Test App                       gen_main.min.js:35
ptime: 2447.646000000532                     gen_main.min.js:35
crash_time: Mon Apr 06 2015 18:47:02 GMT+0200 (CEST) gen_main.min.js:35 
ver: 41.4410.244.23                          gen_main.min.js:35
arc_build_tag: arc-runtime-41.4410.244.23    gen_main.min.js:35 
message: captured minidump                   gen_main.min.js:35
chrome_version: 41.0.2272.118                gen_main.min.js:35
app_id: fcandlahgkkneipfaibdnpapcbeekibb     gen_main.min.js:35
app_version: 2109.0                          gen_main.min.js:35
app_package_name: com.mytest.tester          gen_main.min.js:35
runtime_name: App Runtime for Chrome (Beta)  gen_main.min.js:35
runtime_update_url: https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx gen_main.min.js:35
width: 960                                   gen_main.min.js:35
height: 632                                  gen_main.min.js:35
is_minimized: false                          gen_main.min.js:35
is_maximized: false                          gen_main.min.js:35
is_fullscreen: false                         gen_main.min.js:35
runtime_updated_while_running: null          gen_main.min.js:35
arch: x86-64                                 gen_main.min.js:35
nacl_arch: x86-64                            gen_main.min.js:35
os: linux                                    gen_main.min.js:30
Attempting to report crash...                gen_main.min.js:35
FINISHED REPORTING CRASH                     gen_main.min.js:28
Successfully uploaded crash report           gen_main.min.js:28 
crash id: 26afdf52644598bc                   gen_main.min.js:23
the child process has been loaded: so_executable/umareporter gen_main.min.js:26 
ChildPlugin backgroundpage:0:umareporter(so_executable) Run: 37.220ms gen_main.min.js:26 
0xFA6FC071 is not a valid instance ID.

No further information. The JS console of ARC shows no error message.

The "plugin.shell('adbd')" tells me "not ready", maybe because the application was not yet started.

The questions I have: where to find more crash information? How to start debugging? What's the "minidump" and does it contains any valuable information? Can I build something into my app to pin down the problems?

Any pointers to appreciated :-) .


1 回答 1


要在插件已经崩溃(因此“未准备好”)时获取更多日志,请尝试按照指南从https://developer.chrome.com/apps/getstarted_arc#bestpractices获取 stdout/stderr

目前没有简单的方法可以将符号信息附加到 ARC 以进行调试,并且用户无法使用崩溃服务器。您总是可以提交错误以获取有关此类崩溃的帮助,将来这样做可能比 StackOverflow 更好,因为这个论坛更多地是关于使用 ARC 编程。

我在我们的崩溃服务器上查找了您的特定崩溃(通过此处发布的崩溃 ID,请继续在您提交的任何未来错误中包含这些 ID),我可以说原因是 ARC 的 NDK 转换层中未实现的 VMUL SIMD 指令。这已在较新版本的 ARC 中实现,因此您可以尝试在 Chrome 43(开发通道)中运行您的应用程序,看看是否可以继续。

于 2015-04-07T20:18:46.087 回答