我有一个骨干应用程序,我在其中使用 dualStorage 并且还为 Backbone 实现了我自己的同步。我已经实现了自己的同步,因为在我的 API 中,它需要在每个请求的标头中发送一个身份验证令牌。如果此身份验证令牌不存在或无效,则 API 返回 401 错误。

我的应用程序有两个选项卡,当您单击其中一个选项卡时,它会将路线从 /#guestlist 切换到 /#ticketlist,反之亦然。此问题仅在切换选项卡时发生,而不是在转到应用程序中的任何其他路由时发生。这就是这个问题让我感到非常奇怪的地方,只有这两个请求失败并且所有同步操作都应该被覆盖。

我遇到的问题似乎只存在于 Safari 中,而不存在于 Chrome 或 Firefox 中,但是由于这将主要在 iPad 上运行,所以我不能忽略这个问题。


1.) 登录系统,一切正常 UI 由 API 数据填充 2.) 单击工单列表选项卡,系统将您注销。这是因为 API 返回 401,因为请求中不存在身份验证令牌(同样仅在 safari 中)

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) (ticketlist, line 0)

下面是我的 Backbone.sync 代码。

 * Store a version of Backbone.sync to call from the
 * modified version we create
var _nativeSync = Backbone.sync;

Backbone.sync = function (method, model, options) {
     * The jQuery `ajax` method includes a 'headers' option
     * which lets you set any headers you like

    if(CheckinApp.getSession().isAuthenticated() !== false) {
         * Set the 'Authorization' header and get the access
         * token from the `auth` module
        options.headers = {
            'Authorization': 'Token ' +     CheckinApp.getSession().getAuthorizationToken()


     * Call the stored original Backbone.sync method with
     * extra headers argument added
    _nativeSync(method, model, options);

我唯一担心的是,这可能与使用 dualStorage 产生冲突,因为我知道这也会覆盖 Backbone.sync 方法。为了让它工作,我必须在 dualStorage 之后包含我的同步,如下所示。

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor/backbone.dualstorage.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/plugins/backbone.sync.js"></script>

我还在 API 端转储了请求的标头,并且可以看到在从 Safari 发出的这个特定请求中缺少授权令牌,但在 chrome 或 firefox 发出的同一请求中却没有。

[Tue Apr 07 14:49:08.677473 2015] [:error] [pid 16743] [client] <pre>Array\n(\n    
[Host] => jcrawford.heytix.com\n    
[User-Agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.78.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.1.6 Safari/537.78.2\n    
[Accept] => application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01\n    [
Referer] => http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/\n    
[X-Requested-With] => XMLHttpRequest\n    
[Authorization] => Token 951ba59c833a80e4ddaf72ee6b3d9143\n    
[Accept-Language] => en-us\n    [Accept-Encoding] => gzip, deflate\n    
[Cookie] => 'removed from output'    
[Connection] => keep-alive\n)\n</pre>, referer: http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/

[Tue Apr 07 14:49:12.027279 2015] [:error] [pid 16743] [client] <pre>Array\n(\n    
[Host] => jcrawford.heytix.com\n    
[User-Agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.78.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.1.6 Safari/537.78.2\n    
[Accept] => application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01\n    
[Referer] => http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/\n    
[Accept-Encoding] => gzip, deflate\n    
[X-Requested-With] => XMLHttpRequest\n    
[Accept-Language] => en-us\n    
[Cookie] => 'removed from output'
[Connection] => keep-alive\n)\n</pre>, referer: http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/

[Tue Apr 07 14:49:12.027565 2015] [:error] [pid 16743] [client] HTTP 401 (GET /api/events/13044/guestlist), referer: http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/

这就是我用 chrome 和/或 firefox 得到的。

[Tue Apr 07 14:57:38.686859 2015] [:error] [pid 17630] [client] <pre>Array\n(
[Host] => jcrawford.heytix.com
[Connection] => keep-alive
[Cache-Control] => max-age=0
[Accept] => application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
[X-Requested-With] => XMLHttpRequest
[User-Agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.104 Safari/537.36
[Authorization] => Token 951ba59c833a80e4ddaf72ee6b3d9143
[Referer] => http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/
[Accept-Encoding] => gzip, deflate, sdch
[Accept-Language] => en-US,en;q=0.8
[Cookie] =>  'removed from output'
)</pre>, referer: http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/

[Tue Apr 07 14:57:44.001465 2015] [:error] [pid 17492] [client] <pre>Array\n(\n    
[Host] => jcrawford.heytix.com\n    
[Connection] => keep-alive\n    
[Accept] => application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01\n    
[X-Requested-With] => XMLHttpRequest\n    
[User-Agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.104 Safari/537.36\n   
[Authorization] => Token 951ba59c833a80e4ddaf72ee6b3d9143\n    
[Referer] => http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/\n    
[Accept-Encoding] => gzip, deflate, sdch\n   
[Accept-Language] => en-US,en;q=0.8\n    
[Cookie] => 'removed from output'
)\n</pre>, referer: http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/

从上面的日志中可以看出,授权令牌是通过 Firefox/Chrome 传递的,但不是通过 Safari 传递的。我已将日志记录添加到同步方法中,它在控制台中声明用户在查询 API 之前已通过身份验证,然后重定向到登录页面。

[Log] sync called, isAuthenticated: true (backbone.sync.js, line 12)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) (ticketlist, line 0)

我在 Safari 开发人员工具/控制台等中没有看到任何其他错误或任何内容。应用程序向 API 发出请求,获得 401(如预期的那样,没有令牌),然后将用户从 Backbone 应用程序中注销并重定向到登录页面。当没有令牌存在时,这种行为是预期的,问题是为什么这不会为这些特定路由传递令牌?只有这些路由会导致问题,所有其他路由在 UI 中似乎都可以正常工作。


CheckinApp.Routers.Default = Backbone.Router.extend({
    view: null,

    public_routes: ['login'],

        "login": "login",
        "guestlist": "guestlist",
        "events": "eventlist",
        "organize(/)(:action)": "displayOrganize",
        "eventreport(/)(:event_id)": "eventreport",
        "venuereport(/)(:venue_name)": "venuereport"

    initialize:function (options) {
        this.view = options.view;

    guestlist:function () {
        CheckinApp.getVent().trigger('main:renderListView', {title: 'Guest List', type: 'ticket', tab_hash: '#guestlist'});
    ticketlist:function () {
        CheckinApp.getVent().trigger('main:renderListView', {title: 'Ticket List', type: 'ticket', tab_hash: '#ticketlist'});
    managerslist:function () {
        CheckinApp.getVent().trigger('main:renderListView', {title: 'Managers List', type: 'ticket', tab_hash: '#managerslist'});
    eventlist: function() {
        var vent = CheckinApp.getVent();
        vent.trigger('main:renderListView', {title: 'Todays Events', type: 'event'});
    eventreport: function() {
        var collection = new CheckinApp.Collections.EventReport({"event_id": 13044});
        var view = new CheckinApp.Views.EventReport({collection: collection});
    venuereport: function(venue_name) {
        var collection = new CheckinApp.Collections.VenueReport([], {"venue_name": 'borgata'});
        var view = new CheckinApp.Views.VenueReport({collection: collection});
        var modal = new Backbone.BootstrapModal({
            content: view,
            title: ' ',
            animate: true

    login: function() {
        var view = new CheckinApp.Views.Login({});

    before: function (route, params) {

        if($.cookie('CheckinApp') && CheckinApp.getSession().isAuthenticated() == false) {
        var hasAccess = CheckinApp.getSession().isAuthenticated(); // If cookie exists they are logged in..

        if (!hasAccess) {
            this.navigate('login', true);
        } else {
            if(route == 'login') {
                this.navigate('', true);
                return false;
        if((_.contains(this.public_routes, route) === false)) {
            return hasAccess; //return true if you want to proceed to routes else return false

    after: function(route, params) {
        if(route == 'logout') return false;
        else {
            return true;

最后是告诉 jQuery 监听 401 并在发生时注销用户的代码。

    statusCode: {
        401: function () {
            Backbone.history.navigate('#login', true);

我还更进一步,在之前的路由中添加了一堆 console.log 语句并想出了这个。似乎这些特定路由正在执行某些操作导致身份验证丢失?

[Log] sync :  isAuthenticated = true (backbone.sync.js, line 12)
[Log] sync: url = http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/checkin/api/events/13044/guestlist/ (backbone.sync.js, line 13)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) (guestlist, line 0)
[Log] before : isAuthenticated: false (default.js, line 60)
[Log] cookie: undefined (default.js, line 61)
[Log] before : hasAccess = false (default.js, line 66)
[Log] before : hasAccess = false, going to login page (default.js, line 68)
[Log] before : going to route login (default.js, line 76)

正如您所看到的那样,在对数据发出 AJAX 请求的行之前,它说已验证,然后请求失败并且它说未验证。


sync :  isAuthenticated = true (backbone.sync.js, line 12)
sync: url = http://jcrawford.heytix.com/guestlist/checkin/api/events/13044/guestlist/ (backbone.sync.js, line 13)
User is Authenticated (backbone.sync.js, line 15)
options: {"parse":true,"headers":{"Authorization":"Token 951ba59c833a80e4ddaf72ee6b3d9143"}} (backbone.sync.js, line 24)

正如您在上面看到的,选项被设置在标头上,但由于某种原因,当使用 Safari Backbone 时,不会将这些标头与同步请求一起发送。

根据一些建议(以及以下建议),我尝试为 jQuery 修改 $.ajaxSetup,但收到的结果与我目前遇到的完全相同。

    headers: function() {
        var token = '';
        if(CheckinApp) {
            var session = CheckinApp.getSession();
            if(session) {
                token = CheckinApp.getSession().getAuthorizationToken();
        return {
            "Authorization": "Token " + token
    statusCode: {
        401: function () {
            Backbone.history.navigate('#login', true);



2 回答 2


之所以会出现此问题,是因为我的门票收集 URL 包含尾随 /

使用尾随 / 就位后,Safari 将向带有尾随斜杠的 URL 发送飞行前请求并收到 302 Found。然后它会向没有尾部斜杠的 URI 发出请求,并接收 401,因为第二个请求没有将授权令牌传递给 API。

我不太确定这是否是 Backbone 或 jQuery 的问题,但无论是哪个似乎都不喜欢尾部斜杠,因为删除它解决了 Safari 问题。

于 2015-04-07T17:46:35.913 回答

您是否尝试过$.ajaxSetup()直接使用令牌并查看是否可以使用 safari 复制相同的问题?对于您的示例,不确定在路由器中如何调用函数beforeafter函数,但看起来您可以在那里设置 ajax 设置,因为您已经在那里检查了 hasAccess()。


    headers: { 'Authorization' : 'Token ' + howeverYouGetToken() }
于 2015-04-06T22:27:11.023 回答