I have a treeview which is implemented using jquery Treeview version 1.4. TreeView is Implemented as below

<div id="container">
   <ul id="outerlist">
                     <input type="radio" name="lastnode" value="125" onclick="somefunction()" />

What i need is ,onload the lastnode radiobutton to be checked and all its parent nodes to be expanded (note :there are multiple levels and radiobuttons in the tree).

Below is the code that i have used acheive this

$('#container').find(':radio').each(function (index, value) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() != undefined && $this.val() == "125") {
    $this.attr('checked', 'checked');
    return false;

This code works perfectly fine in terms of selecting the radiobutton and expanding the level-2 and level-1 nodes. Although the Image (+ or -) does not change. How can i achieve this

Thanks in Advance!!


1 回答 1



此外,您正在对单个单选按钮进行操作,因此不需要全部迭代然后选择您想要的一个。相反,使用 jQuery 选择器只获取您的单选按钮并对其进行操作。

使用下面的代码 -

HTML:将 css 类添加到您的第一级和第二li

<div id="container">
   <ul id="outerlist">
      <li class="firstLevel">
            <li class="secondLevel">
                     <input type="radio" name="lastnode" value="125" onclick="somefunction()" />

jQuery : 找到第一级和第二级 li 来添加openCSS 类。

var $radio = $('#container input[type="radio"][value="125"]');
于 2015-04-06T06:40:27.797 回答