Dim vdbDatabase As IVistaDBDatabase = Nothing
Dim filenameDB As String = SaveFileDialog2.FileName
Dim filenameXML As String = SaveFileDialog2.FileName
Select Case SaveFileDialog2.ShowDialog()
Case System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
' Call the method that will open the connection to the database and return an open IVistaDBDatabase object for the database to us
vdbDatabase = DDA.VistaDBEngine.Connections.OpenDDA.OpenDatabase("C:\Ledger.vdb5", VistaDBDatabaseOpenMode.NonexclusiveReadOnly, Nothing)
' Clear the XML Transfer List - this is the list used by the Import/Export methods
' Loop through the tables in the database and add them to the XmlTransferList
For Each tableName As String In vdbDatabase.GetTableNames()
' Call the ExportXML method with the name of the XML file and the WriteMode value indicating what to Export
vdbDatabase.ExportXml(filenameXML, VistaDBXmlWriteMode.All)
' If the database is open - close it
If Not vdbDatabase.IsClosed Then
End If
MsgBox("Database Export complete.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
WriteErrorEvent("Error exporting Database in addin", ex)
MsgBox("An error occured attempting to export the Database. Error Message:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
' If we have a vdbDatabase object
If Not (vdbDatabase Is Nothing) Then
' If it is open, close it
If Not vdbDatabase.IsClosed Then
End If
' Dispose of the object
End If
End Try
End Select