我目前正在阅读 Accelerated C++ ch13,并想通过 boost scoped_ptr 执行书中给出的示例程序,但遇到了错误。


***error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
      record->read( cin );***



std::vector< Core* > students ; // read students
    Core* records;
    std::string::size_type maxlen = 0;
    // read data and store in an object
    char ch ;

        while( cin >> ch )
            if( 'U' == ch )
                records = new Core;

            else if( 'G' == ch )
            records = new Grad;

         records->read( cin );

        maxlen = max( maxlen , records->getname().size() );
        students.push_back( records );

现在使用 scoped_ptr MY VERSION

typedef boost::scoped_ptr<Core> record;
    std::vector< record > students;
    char ch;
    std::string::size_type maxlen = 0;
    // read and store
    while( ( cin >> ch )   )
        if( ch == 'U')
            record( new Core);
        else if( ch == 'G')
             record( new Grad);

       record->read( cin );// GOT ERROR
       //maxlen = max( maxlen, record->name().size() );// SAME type of  error I EXPECT HERE
      // students.push_back( record );


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