目前正在与 Convex HUll 一起使用 Graham's Scan。我是一名学生,所以我试图自己完成它,但是我一直在筛选多个站点以找到答案。简而言之,我有我的构造函数,一个来自文件,一个随机生成,可以工作,所以我能够创建一个点数组。下一步是实现快速排序,按极角排序。这是通过比较器类完成的。比较器类是我卡住的地方,我们被告知使用点比较和交叉比较来比较角度,但我很迷茫。
* Use cross product and dot product to implement this method. Do not take square roots
* or use trigonometric functions. See the PowerPoint notes on how to carry out cross and
* dot products.
* Call comparePolarAngle() and compareDistance().
* @param p1
* @param p2
* @return -1 if one of the following three conditions holds:
* a) p1 and referencePoint are the same point but p2 is a different point;
* b) neither p1 nor p2 equals referencePoint, and the polar angle of
* p1 with respect to referencePoint is less than that of p2;
* c) neither p1 nor p2 equals referencePoint, p1 and p2 have the same polar
* angle w.r.t. referencePoint, and p1 is closer to referencePoint than p2.
* 0 if p1 and p2 are the same point
* 1 if one of the following three conditions holds:
* a) p2 and referencePoint are the same point but p1 is a different point;
* b) neither p1 nor p2 equals referencePoint, and the polar angle of
* p1 with respect to referencePoint is greater than that of p2;
* c) neither p1 nor p2 equals referencePoint, p1 and p2 have the same polar
* angle w.r.t. referencePoint, and p1 is further to referencePoint than p2.
public int compare(Point p1, Point p2){
if(p1 == referencePoint && p2 != referencePoint){
return -1;
} else if(p1 == p2){
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
* Compare the polar angles of two points p1 and p2 with respect to referencePoint. Use
* cross products. Do not use trigonometric functions.
* Precondition: p1 and p2 are distinct points.
* @param p1
* @param p2
* @return -1 if p1 equals referencePoint or its polar angle with respect to referencePoint
* is less than that of p2.
* 0 if p1 and p2 have the same polar angle.
* 1 if p2 equals referencePoint or its polar angle with respect to referencePoint
* is less than that of p1.
public int comparePolarAngle(Point p1, Point p2){
return 0;
* Compare the distances of two points p1 and p2 to referencePoint. Use dot products.
* Do not take square roots.
* @param p1
* @param p2
* @return -1 if p1 is closer to referencePoint
* 0 if p1 and p2 are equidistant to referencePoint
* 1 if p2 is closer to referencePoint
public int compareDistance(Point p1, Point p2){
int distance = 0;
return distance;
quickSort 和 partition 方法非常标准,但我将添加它们,以便你们可以广泛了解所有内容:
* Sort the array points[] in the increasing order of polar angle with respect to lowestPoint.
* Use quickSort. Construct an object of the pointComparator class with lowestPoint as the
* argument for point comparison.
* Ought to be private, but is made public for testing convenience.
public void quickSort(){
* Operates on the subarray of points[] with indices between first and last.
* @param first starting index of the subarray
* @param last ending index of the subarray
private void quickSortRec(int first, int last){
* Operates on the subarray of points[] with indices between first and last.
* @param first
* @param last
* @return
private int partition(int first, int last){
return 0;
我知道我基本上需要启动并运行 Compare 类,然后才能启动快速排序方法,但我觉得我什至根本不知道如何使用点/交叉比较,所以我真的很迷茫。