我对如何从 emgu cv 中的圆圈制作橡胶板模型有疑问,这是我的代码c#
// looking for iris
CircleF[] circles = cannyEdges.HoughCircles(
3.6, //Resolution of the accumulator used to detect centers of the circles
cannyEdges.Height / 2, //min distance
2, //min radius
0 //max radius
)[0]; //Get the circles from the first channel
var img = myImage.Clone();
var img2 = myImage.Clone();
foreach (CircleF circle in circles)
img.Draw(circle, new Bgr(Color.Brown), 10);
pictureBox3.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
pictureBox3.Image = img.ToBitmap();