我正在尝试使用指针在充满十六进制值的内存区域中移动。我使用 uint8_t 指针来确保它一次只指向 1 个字节。我想去一个特定的位置(从起始位置偏移字节数)并存储一组长度为 1、2、4 或 8 个字节的字节。然后,我想将该值解释并打印为有符号或无符号十进制(由枚举参数确定)。
我认为我可以简单地将指针从 1 字节 uint8_t 更改为字节数的正确大小(例如 uint64_t 用于 8 btyes),然后存储该值(因为我不能只打印一个字节有一次,我需要评估整个字节/字节组)。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:
void showValueAtOffset(FILE* Out, const uint8_t* const baseAddr, uint32_t Offset, Sign Sgn, uint8_t nBytes) {//------------------doesn't work----------------
uint8_t *p = baseAddr;//create a pointer that points to the first byte of memory in the array
for(int i = 0; i < Offset; i++){//use a for loop to move p to the location indicated by Offset
if(nBytes == 1){
//pointer p already has the correct typecast for the number of bytes
uint8_t N = *p;//store the value of the byte
if(Sgn == SIGNED){
int8_t result = N;
fprintf(Out, "%d ", result);//print the value
else{//if UNSIGNED
fprintf(Out, "%u ", N);//print the value
else if(nBytes == 2){
uint16_t q = (uint16_t) p;//create the pointer q with the correct typecast for the number of bytes
uint16_t N = *q;//store the value of the bytes
if(Sgn == SIGNED){
int16_t result = N;
fprintf(Out, "%d ", result);//print the value
else{//if UNSIGNED
fprintf(Out, "%u ", N);//print the value
else if(nBytes == 4){
uint32_t q = (uint32_t) p;//create the pointer q with the correct typecast for the number of bytes
uint32_t N = *q;//store the value of the bytes
if(Sgn == SIGNED){
int32_t result = N;
fprintf(Out, "%d ", result);//print the value
else{//if UNSIGNED
fprintf(Out, "%u ", N);//print the value
else if(nBytes == 8){
uint64_t q = (uint64_t) p;//create the pointer q with the correct typecast for the number of bytes
uint64_t N = *q;//store the value of the bytes
if(Sgn == SIGNED){
signed int result = (signed int) N;
fprintf(Out, "%d ", result);//print the value
else{//if UNSIGNED
unsigned int result = (unsigned int) N;
fprintf(Out, "%u ", result);//print the value
//this should not happen according to the preconditions
fprintf(Out, "\n");