Use the create=true
attribute in the JDBC URL, like this:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:sampleDB;create=true");
See the Apache Derby Reference Manual:
create=true attribute
Creates the standard database specified within the database connection URL Derby system and then connects to it. If the database cannot be created, the error appears in the error log and the connection attempt fails with an SQLException indicating that the database cannot be found.
If the database already exists, creates a connection to the existing database and an SQLWarning is issued.
You probably have to catch the SQLWarning
(this is an exception) but you could safely ignore it.
如果您使用的是 Derby 和 Java,它将适用于所有平台。您只需编写不同的安装脚本:.bat 或 .cmd 用于 Windows,.sh 用于 Linux 和 Mac。不会太费劲。
尝试建立 JDBC 连接。如果失败,则执行 DDL SQL。