We want to implement the collection of user usage data, for example crash reports, errors reported in logs, and normal usage patterns & statistics (how often the application is launched, how long certain tasks take to execute, etc.) I'm trying to determine whether there are third-party solutions for doing this (via some library you link against and a service they provide for collecting the data and uploading it to a service they provide, and we can query), or whether it makes sense to roll our own.

The fact that I don't know the industry term for this practice is preventing me from finding companies that may provide this service. I've always used the term "software telemetry" for this, but searching for that seems to be giving me just results related to traditional telemetry (tracking animals & such).

We have around 100,000 users, and our app is written in C++ in a unix environment, although it would not be strictly necessary to have system that has C/C++ libraries, as we could always create an intermediate file from our code that is uploaded to a remote service via a separate process.


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我已经从论文Is Your Upgrade Worth It中看到了在这种情况下使用的Process Mining一词。Process Mining Can Tell发表在 IEEE 软件(付费专区)上。


软件供应商通常每年发布一次或两次软件更新和升级。用户则面临升级是否物有所值和麻烦的问题。软件行业没有提供太多证据表明值得升级到新版本。作者建议使用流程挖掘来证明升级到下一个版本为最终用户提供了可量化的好处。流程挖掘利用事件日志捕获有关流程的信息这一事实。这些事件可用于使流程可见并显示使用软件产品的下一个版本的好处。三个群体从这个过程中受益:最终用户、软件供应商和研究人员。作者将流程挖掘应用于医疗软件产品,并从 1,400 个案例中获取了经验数据。数据显示,新版本的效率比旧版本高 11%。

于 2015-04-06T12:06:05.127 回答


于 2015-04-20T13:05:14.823 回答