I have built an cross-platform app that involves playing audio (podcast mp3 files) in the background.

I have followed the examples as best as I can for performing background audio on Windows Phone 8.1 XAML apps. It will launch and try to start sometimes giving a second or two of audio, and then I get this in the output:

The program '[3284] Windows.Media.BackgroundPlayback.exe' has exited with code 1 (0x1).

I don't even know where to look from here. It doesn't seem to raise an actual exception in the application itself. Any idea what is wrong or how to further troubleshoot this?


2 回答 2



  1. 您将完整的类名传递到Package.appxmanifest中(参见此处的示例)
  2. 您从主项目中引用了任务项目(下载Microsoft 示例并尝试复制项目引用的想法)
  3. 两个项目具有相同的 Windows Phone 版本(例如 8.1、10 等)
  4. 任务项目具有输出类型Windows 运行时组件(不是类库
  5. 当然:尝试删除除后台任务之外的所有文件并再次重复上述项目。
于 2015-10-07T21:59:12.537 回答


于 2016-09-24T21:36:50.680 回答