I want to use an std::vector for an app that I'm creating with Tizen and I can't find the right library to include to make my std::vector be recognized... I have a syntax error... Is there an equivalent to std::vector specific to Tizen? I searched the web but I didn't find anything...
I tried #include <vector>
Tizen doesn't recognize it, that's what my problem is because in "normal" C++ it works fine. Only I'm using Tizen with Tizen IDE (Eclipse plug-in) and it doesn't recognize the library so I'm wondering which library I need to include instead (I got a fatal error: file not found when I use the include I mentioned).
I can't post images so here's a transcript of the error message:
type name requires a specifier or qualifier
syntax error
expected expression"
All of which regarding this line:
std::vector<int> vect;
OK, I found my answer. It seems Tizen is using C and not C++... I didn't see it because some libraries I sometimes use when I code in C++ were included like they should. Anyway I'm just gonna have to find the C equivalent of vector now and my problem will be solved.