
我想弄清楚MailboxProcessor。这个想法是将它用作某种状态机并在状态之间传递参数然后退出。有些部分将进行异步通信,所以我在那里做了一个睡眠。这是一个控制台应用程序,因为主线程退出并杀死它背后的一切,所以创建 Post 什么都不做。我正在主要制作 PostAndReply。另外,我试过没有

let sleepWorkflow  = async

, 没有任何区别。



  1. Go24 不是异步的。将 RunSynchronously 更改为 StartImmediate 没有明显的区别。结尾应该在 GetMe 下面的某个地方。同时在 Fetch 之后打印出 Done。控制不应该在睡眠时返回到主线程吗?

    Go24, wait go24 1, end Fetch 1 Done GetMe ...

  2. 运行时间非常慢。毫不拖延地获取大约 10 秒(秒表)。我认为 F# 线程是轻量级的,应该使用线程池。根据调试器,创建每个线程需要大约 1 秒,它看起来像真正的线程。

此外,更改为 [1..100] 将“暂停”程序 100 秒,根据 ProcessExplorer,在此期间创建了 100 个线程,然后才打印所有内容。我实际上更喜欢更少的线程和缓慢的增长。



let main argv =

    let a = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoGo24 1
    let a = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoFetch 1
    let b = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.GetMe

    let task i  = async {
        //Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoGo24 1
        let a = Mailbox.MessageBasedCounter.DoFetch i
        return a

    let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()

    let x = 
            |> Seq.map task
            |> Async.Parallel
            |> Async.RunSynchronously

    printfn "%f" stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds

    printfn "a: %A" a
    printfn "b: %A" b

    printfn "x: %A" x
    0 // return an integer exit code


module Mailbox

#nowarn "40"

type parserMsg =
    | Go24 of int
    | Done
    | Fetch of int * AsyncReplyChannel<string>
    | GetMe of AsyncReplyChannel<string>

type MessageBasedCounter () = 

    /// Create the agent
    static let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> 

        // the message processing function
        let rec messageLoop() = async{
            let! msg = inbox.Receive()

            match msg with 
            | Go24 n ->
                let sleepWorkflow  = async{
                    printfn "Go24, wait"
                    do! Async.Sleep 4000 
                    MessageBasedCounter.DoDone() // POST Done.
                    printfn "go24 %d, end" n
                    return! messageLoop()
                Async.RunSynchronously sleepWorkflow
            | Fetch (i, repl) ->
                let sync = async{
                    printfn "Fetch %d" i
                    do! Async.Sleep 1000
                    repl.Reply( "Reply Fetch " + i.ToString() ) // Reply to the caller 
                    return! messageLoop()
                Async.RunSynchronously sync

            | GetMe (repl) ->
                let sync = async{
                    printfn "GetMe"
                    repl.Reply( "GetMe" ) // Reply to the caller 
                    return! messageLoop()
                Async.RunSynchronously sync
            | Done -> 
                let sync = async{
                    printfn "Done"
                    return! messageLoop()
                Async.RunSynchronously sync 

        // start the loop 

    // public interface to hide the implementation
    static member DoDone () = agent.Post( Done )
    static member DoGo24 (i:int) = agent.Post( Go24(i) )
    static member DoFetch (i:int) = agent.PostAndReply( fun reply -> Fetch(i, reply) )
    static member GetMe = agent.PostAndReply( GetMe )

1 回答 1



您不需要创建嵌套异步 - 您可以match直接在子句主体中调用异步操作:

// the message processing function
let rec messageLoop() = async{
  let! msg = inbox.Receive()

  match msg with 
  | Go24 n ->
      printfn "Go24, wait"
      do! Async.Sleep 4000 
      printfn "go24 %d, end" n
      return! messageLoop()

  | Fetch (i, repl) ->



  | Go24 n ->
      // Create work item that will run in the background
      let work = async {
        printfn "Go24, wait"
        do! Async.Sleep 4000 
        printfn "go24 %d, end" n }
      // Queue the work in a thread pool to be processed
      // Continue the message loop, waiting for other messages
      return! messageLoop()
于 2015-04-01T16:03:19.910 回答