我在 python 中有两个列表,我想知道它们是否在同一个索引处相交。有解决这个问题的数学方法吗?
例如,如果我有 [9,8,7,6,5] 和 [3,4,5,6,7] 我想要一个简单而有效的公式/算法,它发现它们在索引 3 处相交。我知道我可以进行搜索,只是想知道是否有更好的方法。
我知道有一个公式可以通过将 y = mx + b 形式的两条线彼此相减来解决它们,但我的“线”并不是真正的线,因为它仅限于列表中的项目并且它可能有曲线。
我在 python 中有两个列表,我想知道它们是否在同一个索引处相交。有解决这个问题的数学方法吗?
例如,如果我有 [9,8,7,6,5] 和 [3,4,5,6,7] 我想要一个简单而有效的公式/算法,它发现它们在索引 3 处相交。我知道我可以进行搜索,只是想知道是否有更好的方法。
我知道有一个公式可以通过将 y = mx + b 形式的两条线彼此相减来解决它们,但我的“线”并不是真正的线,因为它仅限于列表中的项目并且它可能有曲线。
You could take the set-theoretic intersection of the coordinates in both lists:
intersecting_points = set(enumerate(list1)).intersection(set(enumerate(list2)))
...enumerate gives you an iterable of tuples of indexes and values - in other words, (0,9),(1,8),(2,7),etc.
...make sense? Of course, that won't truly give you geometric intersection - for example, [1,2] intersects with [2,1] at [x=0.5,y=1.5] - if that's what you want, then you have to solve the linear equations at each interval.
from itertools import izip
def find_intersection(lineA, lineB):
for pos, (A0, B0, A1, B1) in enumerate(izip(lineA, lineB, lineA[1:], lineB[1:])):
#check integer intersections
if A0 == B0: #check required if the intersection is at position 0
return pos
if A1 == B1: #check required if the intersection is at last position
return pos + 1
#check for intersection between points
if (A0 > B0 and A1 < B1) or
(A0 < B0 and A1 > B1):
#intersection between pos and pos+1!
return pos + solve_linear_equation(A0,A1,B0,B1)
#no intersection
return None
I assume one dimension in your list is assumed e.g. [9,8,7,6,5] are heights at x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 right? in that case how your list will represent curves like y=0 ?
In any case I don't think there can be any shortcut for calculating intersection of generic or random curves, best solution is to do a efficient search.
import itertools
def intersect_at_same_index(seq1, seq2):
return (
for idx, (item1, item2)
in enumerate(itertools.izip(seq1, seq2))
if item1 == item2).next()
This will return the index where the two sequences have equal items, and raise a StopIteration
if all item pairs are different. If you don't like this behaviour, enclose the return statement in a try statement, and at the except StopIteration
clause return your favourite failure indicator (e.g. -1, None…)