有一个桌面应用程序使用 Thread.sleep() 来实现长时间(几分钟或几小时)的延迟。从 Windows XP 到(至少)Windows 7,这个相同的应用程序一直运行良好。该应用程序计算它需要在未来多长时间内做某事,然后点击 Thread.sleep(msToWait)。即使系统在等待期间碰巧进入 S3 睡眠状态,这也能正常工作。
但是,从 Windows 10 开始,如果机器处于 S3 中,则 Thread.sleep() 之后的代码不会“按时”执行。机器似乎在“msToWait”加上机器在 S3 中的时间开始执行代码(现在不是 100% 肯定,但很可能)。
早期版本的 Windows 没有表现出这种行为;Thread.sleep() 之后的代码等待了适当的时间,而与睡眠状态无关。
测试已在当前的 JVM 1.7 上进行。
这是 Windows 10 的错误吗?这是一个 JVM 错误吗?有解决办法吗?
如果此程序在 JVM 版本为 25.40-b25 的 Windows 10(报告为 8)上运行,则会失败:
Wed Apr 01 10:47:35 PDT 2015 Using default number of minutes: 5
Wed Apr 01 10:47:35 PDT 2015 You can use "SleepTester -minutes 10" to have it sleep for 10 minutes, for example.
Wed Apr 01 10:47:35 PDT 2015 JVM Version: 25.40-b25 Windows Version: Windows 8
Wed Apr 01 10:47:35 PDT 2015 The program will now wait for 5 minutes. Expect wrap-up at Wed Apr 01 10:52:35 PDT 2015
Wed Apr 01 10:53:38 PDT 2015 The system has come through the Thread.sleep(300000).
Wed Apr 01 10:53:38 PDT 2015 This should be a low number: 63589
Wed Apr 01 10:53:38 PDT 2015 This appears to be operating incorrectly...the expected sleep time has NOT been achieved.
Wed Apr 01 10:53:38 PDT 2015 Program is ending.
如果该进程在 Windows 7 上运行,它不会失败。
Wed Apr 01 17:12:18 EDT 2015 Java Runtime Version: 1.8.0_31-b13 JVM Version: 25.31-b07 Windows Version: Windows 7
Wed Apr 01 17:12:18 EDT 2015 The program will now wait for 6 minutes. Expect wrap-up at Wed Apr 01 17:18:18 EDT 2015
Wed Apr 01 17:18:18 EDT 2015 The system has come through the Thread.sleep(360000).
Wed Apr 01 17:18:18 EDT 2015 This should be a low number: 0
Wed Apr 01 17:18:18 EDT 2015 Program is ending.
import java.util.Date;
public class SleepTester {
private static int mMinutes;
private static int mDefault = 5;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
for (int iArg = 0; iArg < args.length; ++iArg) {
if (args[iArg].equals("-minutes") && (iArg + 1) < args.length) {
mMinutes = Integer.parseInt(args[++iArg]);
if (mMinutes == 0) {
mMinutes = mDefault;
System.out.println(new Date() + " Using default number of minutes: " + mDefault);
System.out.println(new Date() + " You can use \"SleepTester -minutes 10\" to have it sleep for 10 minutes, for example.");
System.out.println(new Date() + " Java Runtime Version: " + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + " JVM Version: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.version") + " Windows Version: " + System.getProperty("os.name"));
long msDelay = mMinutes * 60 * 1000;
long wakePoint = new Date().getTime() + msDelay;
System.out.println(new Date() + " The program will now wait for " + mMinutes + " minutes. Expect wrap-up at " + new Date(wakePoint));
Thread.sleep(msDelay); // If the machine goes into S3 during this interval, it should not matter, as long as it's awake when it fires.
System.out.println(new Date() + " The system has come through the Thread.sleep(" + msDelay + "). ");
long msAccuracy = Math.abs(new Date().getTime() - wakePoint);
System.out.println(new Date() + " This should be a low number: " + msAccuracy);
if (msAccuracy > 1000) System.out.println(new Date() + " This appears to be operating incorrectly...the expected sleep time has NOT been achieved.");
System.out.println(new Date() + " Program is ending.");
附加信息:此故障似乎也出现在 Windows 8(但不是 7 或更早版本)中。
补充 2019 年 4 月 4 日
该问题在 bugs.java.com 上的以下 URL [JDK-8221971][1] 上可见。有一些早期的错误与该错误相关联。来自链接 JDK-8146730 错误的评论:
17-04-2017 关于这个话题有什么消息吗?
04-04-2019 它已被推迟。这是一个低优先级且复杂的问题,没有人主动分配给它。
2021 年 2 月 17 日补充
这可能是由于 Windows 操作系统响应超时的编程方式发生了变化。即使直接使用 Windows API,我也不确定如何实现使新旧 Windows 操作系统的行为相同的目标。
Windows XP、Windows Server 2003、Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows Server 2008 和 Windows Server 2008 R2:dwMilliseconds 值确实包括在低功耗状态下花费的时间。例如,当计算机处于睡眠状态时,超时确实会继续倒计时。
Windows 8、Windows Server 2012、Windows 8.1、Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows 10 和 Windows Server 2016:dwMilliseconds 值不包括在低功耗状态下花费的时间。例如,当计算机处于睡眠状态时,超时不会继续倒计时。