I am developing a php form that collects personal information from a user. This information is not kept in a database, but will be sent to and email address. Would i need to do this over an https connection? If so please explain why or provide a link where i can obtain knowledge of this. How can hackers access this information if it is not kept online or stored in a data base?


1 回答 1


我会说如果信息不敏感,那么你不必去申请 SSL 证书。

例如,如果您正在收集用户的名字、姓氏、电子邮件地址和一条消息,那么您不必使用 SSL。

但是,如果您要收集 SSN、银行帐号、路由号码、信用卡号等敏感数据,则强烈建议您使用 SSL。

于 2015-04-01T13:27:15.303 回答