From what I have researched it is not possible to change the Timezone of a thread. So my question is why can't you?

I would have thought switching your application's culture to a specific country would also switch this, seems like expected behaviour IMO.


After revising I can see the reason why it probably shouldn't be mapped 1:1 by default. However, I still feel it would be a nice feature to be able to change the Timezone per thread.


2 回答 2


它们不是 1:1,所以它们并没有真正连接。如果将当前文化设置为en-US,那是哪个时区?:)

几个国家/地区有超过 1 个时区,因此设置文化(这也不是特定于国家/地区的)与时区并没有太大关系。

于 2010-05-30T12:30:20.663 回答

文化是一回事,时区是另一回事。假设您是在美国纽约工作的南非公民。显然你希望你的时区是 EST (GMT -5),因为那是你所在的地方;但是,根据您的建议,如果您还按照自己的意愿将文化设置为“af-ZA”,那么这样做会自动将您的时区更改为 GMT +2。

于 2010-05-30T13:06:50.860 回答