
我有 2 个步骤的 xml。例子 :

<listgroup title="Lifestyle" shortnote="">

  <list>Type of Company: Architects may be self-employed.</list>
  <list>Workspace – Indoors/outdoors: Architects work both.</list>
    <sublist>Travel: Architects often visit construction sites to review the progress of projects.</sublist>
    <sublist>People: They work a lot with other professionals involved in the construction project including engineers, contractors, surveyors and landscape architects.</sublist>
    <sublist>Casual: They usually work in a casual and comfortable environment.</sublist>
    <sublist>Hours: The hours are varied based on the project they are working on.</sublist>
    <sublist>Physically demanding: They stand on their feet.</sublist>
    <sublist>Tools: Computers - Architects </sublist>
  <list>Assist clients in obtaining construction bids</list>
  <list>Observe, inspect and monitor building work</list>

在我的功能中,我使用“list.each”附加到 ul+index。它工作正常。我的问题是,当我附加“list.each”时,“sublistgroup”不应该附加到“list.each”,插入“sublistgroup”需要制作“ul”并且在ul中我需要“sublist”成为孩子们的..




          var count = index;
          var listGroup = $(this);
          var listGroupTitle = $(this).attr('title');
          var shortNote =   $(this).attr('shortnote');
          var subLink   = $(this).find('sublist');
          var firstList = $(this).find('list');

           $('.grouplist').append('<div class="list-group"><h3>'+listGroupTitle+'</h3><ul class="level-one level' + count + '"></ul></div>');

                var subList = $(this).text();

                var subListLeveltwo = $(this).find('sublist').text();

                    $('<li class="new">'+subList+'</li>').appendTo('ul.level'+count+'');




2 回答 2






      var count = index;
      var listGroup = $(this);
      var listGroupTitle = $(this).attr('title');
      var shortNote =   $(this).attr('shortnote');
      var subLink   = $(this).find('sublist');
      var firstList = $(this).find('list');

       $('.grouplist').append('<div class="list-group"><h3>'+listGroupTitle+'</h3><ul class="level-one level' + count + '"></ul></div>');

            // Cache the current UL for performance
       var $currentUL = $('ul.level'+count);

        firstList.each(function(listnum) {

            var $subListGroup = $(this).find('sublistgroup').remove();

            var listHeading = $(this).text();



                   // Cache the new UL for the sub group, and append to the currentUL
                var $subUL = $('<ul class="sublevel' + count + '"></ul>').appendTo( $currentUL );

                $subListGroup.children('sublist').each(function() {
                    $subUL.append('<li>' + $(this).text() + '</li>')

应生成以下 HTML:

<div class="grouplist">
    <div class="list-group">
        <ul class="level-one level0">
            <li>Type of Company: Architects may be self-employed.</li>
            <li>Workspace &ndash; Indoors/outdoors: Architects work both.</li>
            <ul class="sublevel0">
                <li>Travel: Architects often visit construction sites to review the progress of projects.</li>
                <li>People: They work a lot with other professionals involved in the construction project including engineers, contractors, surveyors and landscape architects.</li>
                <li>Casual: They usually work in a casual and comfortable environment.</li>
                <li>Hours: The hours are varied based on the project they are working on.</li>
                <li>Physically demanding: They stand on their feet.</li>
                <li>Tools: Computers - Architects </li>
            <li>Assist clients in obtaining construction bids</li>
            <li>Observe, inspect and monitor building work</li>
于 2010-05-30T11:37:38.997 回答

这是另一个将重用现有 XML 结构的解决方案。




      var count = index;
      var listGroup = $(this);
      var listGroupTitle = $(this).attr('title');
      var shortNote =   $(this).attr('shortnote');
      var subLink   = $(this).find('sublist');
      var firstList = $(this).find('list');

       $('.grouplist').append('<div class="list-group"><h3>'+listGroupTitle+'</h3><ul class="level-one level' + count + '"></ul></div>');

        firstList.each(function(listnum) {
             // This simply wraps the content of existing XML nodes,
             //   then unwraps the old node

               // Append content of 'list' node



于 2010-05-30T15:15:16.857 回答