我正在尝试确定 802.11 协议变体 - 从由 wireshark 创建的 PcapNG 跟踪文件(参见StackOverflow 上的相关问题和 StackOverflow上的另一个相关问题)。

捕获数据包的接口的链路层标头类型是 LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP (127),因此我可以使用radiotap.py提取Channel 字段,从而检查 802.11 协议变体是 a、b 还是 g。

但是,要检查我是否有 802.11n 或 802.11ac,我需要访问XChannel / MCSVHT字段。



示例 PcapNG 跟踪文件在此处

我的 Python 代码是:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pcapng import FileScanner
import radiotap

def hex_str_to_num(hex_str,out_format='X'):
    if out_format.upper() == 'B':
        return ' '.join(format(ord(x), out_format).zfill(8) for x in hex_str)
        return ' '.join(format(ord(x), out_format).zfill(2) for x in hex_str)

def get_protocol_variant(channel):
    0x0010  Turbo Channel
    0x0020  CCK channel
    0x0040  OFDM channel
    0x0080  2 GHz spectrum channel
    0x0100  5 GHz spectrum channel
    0x0200  Only passive scan allowed
    0x0400  Dynamic CCK-OFDM channel
    0x0800  GFSK channel (FHSS PHY)

    If link-layer header type for the interface is LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11, protocol variant
    cannot be ascertained.

    If link-layer header type for the interface is LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP, then 
    the packet begins with a radiotap header giving various meta-data about the packet.

    If the radiotap header includes the Channel field, then, from the information there,
    the protocol variant may be ascertained as following:

        "5 GHz spectrum channel" + "OFDM channel" = 802.11a;
        "2 GHz spectrum channel" + "CCK channel" = 802.11b;
        "2 GHz spectrum channel" + "OFDM channel" = 802.11g;
        "2 GHz spectrum channel" + "Dynamic CCK-OFDM channel" = 802.11g;
        (the difference between the two flavors of 802.11g indicates whether there 
         might also be 802.11b traffic on the same channel - that's what the 
         "Dynamic CCK-OFDM channel" indicates).

        However, if the MCS field is present, it's 802.11n, not any of those other types,
        and if the VHT field is present, it's 802.11ac.

        There might also be an XChannel field, which can be interpreted similarly to the 
        Channel field, although it also contains some information for 802.11n.

    def check(_name, _const):
        _bit = None
        if (channel & _const):
            _bit = True
            print _name,_bit
        return _bit

    TURBO = 0x0010
    CCK   = 0x0020
    OFDM  = 0x0040
    GHz_2 = 0x0080
    GHz_5 = 0x0100
    PASSI = 0x0200
    DYNAM = 0x0400
    GFSK  = 0x0800

    variant = None

    turbo = check("turbo", TURBO)
    cck = check("cck", CCK)
    ofdm = check("ofdm", OFDM)
    ghz_2 = check("ghz_2", GHz_2)
    ghz_5 = check("ghz_5", GHz_5)
    passi = check("passi", PASSI)
    dynam = check("dynam", DYNAM)
    gfsk = check("gfsk", GFSK)

    if ghz_5 and ofdm:
        variant = "802.11a"
    elif ghz_2 and cck:
        variant = "802.11b"
    elif ghz_2 and ofdm:
        variant = "802.11g"
    elif ghz_2 and dynam:
        variant = "802.11g"

    print "variant",variant    
    return variant

PCAPNG = "/cygdrive/c/tmp/trace3.pcapng"
MAX = 5

with open(PCAPNG, "r") as pcapng_file:
    scanner = FileScanner(pcapng_file)
    counter = MAX
    link_type = None
    for block in scanner:
        print "magic_number",hex(block.magic_number)
        print block

        if block.magic_number == ENHANCEDPACKET:
            if link_type == LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP:
                payload_data = block.packet_payload_info[2]
                print "packet_payload_data (hex):",hex_str_to_num(payload_data,"X")
                radiotap_dict = radiotap.parse(payload_data)
                radiotap_hedear_len = radiotap.get_length(payload_data)
                print "radiotap_dict",radiotap_dict
                channel = radiotap_dict[radiotap.RTAP_CHANNEL]
                protocol_variant = get_protocol_variant(channel)
                print "protocol_variant",protocol_variant
                print "channel",channel,hex(channel),bin(channel)
                print "radiotap_hedear_len",radiotap_hedear_len
                payload_802_11 = payload_data[radiotap_hedear_len+1:]
                print "payload_802_11 (hex)",hex_str_to_num(payload_802_11,"X")
        elif block.magic_number == INTERFACEDESCRIPTION:
            link_type = block.link_type

        counter -= 1
        if not counter:


magic_number 0xa0d0d0a
SectionHeader(version_major=1, version_minor=0, section_length=-1, options=Options({'shb_userappl': [u'Dumpcap 1.12.4 (v1.12.4-0-gb4861da from master-1.12)'], 'shb_os': [u'Mac OS X 10.10.2, build 14C109 (Darwin 14.1.0)']}))

magic_number 0x1
InterfaceDescription(link_type=127, reserved='\x00\x00', snaplen=262144, options=Options({'if_os': [u'Mac OS X 10.10.2, build 14C109 (Darwin 14.1.0)'], 'if_tsresol': [6], 'if_name': [u'en1']}))

magic_number 0x6
EnhancedPacket(interface_id=0, timestamp_high=332139, timestamp_low=2801116064L, packet_payload_info=(45, 45, '\x00\x00\x19\x00o\x08\x00\x00`I\xb2&\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x18q\x16@\x01\xb1\xaa\x00\xb4\x00\x90\x00\xf4\x0f\x1b\xb8sL`\x92\x175\x00\x01\xe3\xcf\x00\x12'), options=Options({}))
packet_payload_data (hex): 00 00 19 00 6F 08 00 00 60 49 B2 26 00 00 00 00 12 18 71 16 40 01 B1 AA 00 B4 00 90 00 F4 0F 1B B8 73 4C 60 92 17 35 00 01 E3 CF 00 12
radiotap_dict {0: 649218400, 1: 18, 2: 24, 3: 20977265, 5: -79, 6: -86, 11: 0}
turbo True
cck True
ofdm True
passi True
dynam True
variant None
protocol_variant None

magic_number 0x6
EnhancedPacket(interface_id=0, timestamp_high=332139, timestamp_low=2801116070L, packet_payload_info=(39, 39, '\x00\x00\x19\x00o\x08\x00\x00\x92I\xb2&\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x18q\x16@\x01\xcd\xaa\x00\xc4\x00`\x00`\x92\x175\x00\x01\xf7eny'), options=Options({}))
packet_payload_data (hex): 00 00 19 00 6F 08 00 00 92 49 B2 26 00 00 00 00 12 18 71 16 40 01 CD AA 00 C4 00 60 00 60 92 17 35 00 01 F7 65 6E 79
radiotap_dict {0: 649218450, 1: 18, 2: 24, 3: 20977265, 5: -51, 6: -86, 11: 0}
turbo True
cck True
ofdm True
passi True
dynam True
variant None
protocol_variant None

magic_number 0x6
EnhancedPacket(interface_id=0, timestamp_high=332139, timestamp_low=2801116213L, packet_payload_info=(57, 57, '\x00\x00\x19\x00o\x08\x00\x00\tJ\xb2&\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x18q\x16@\x01\xca\xaa\x00\x94\x00\x00\x00`\x92\x175\x00\x01\xf4\x0f\x1b\xb8sL\x04\x00\xc0#\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xffX\xd0Y\\'), options=Options({}))
packet_payload_data (hex): 00 00 19 00 6F 08 00 00 09 4A B2 26 00 00 00 00 12 18 71 16 40 01 CA AA 00 94 00 00 00 60 92 17 35 00 01 F4 0F 1B B8 73 4C 04 00 C0 23 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 58 D0 59 5C
radiotap_dict {0: 649218569, 1: 18, 2: 24, 3: 20977265, 5: -54, 6: -86, 11: 0}
turbo True
cck True
ofdm True
passi True
dynam True
variant None
protocol_variant None

1 回答 1


我最近对 ​​radiotap.py 进行了更改,以添加对 radiotap 中 VHT 字段的解析

于 2016-03-18T16:23:26.237 回答