我正在编写一个程序,该程序涉及create_text() 在循环中在 Tkinter 画布上的框中显示一些文本。显示每个单词,然后替换为下一个单词。有点像闪存卡。

我需要为每个单词的一个字母着色,靠近单词的中间,这样当用户阅读单词时,他们的眼睛就会集中在单词的中间。所以if len(i)=1, color i[0], if len(i)>= 2 and <= 5, color i[1],等等。它需要使用 Canvas 完成,并使用

canvas.create_text(text = i[focus_index],fill = 'red') 





2 回答 2




import Tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

c = tk.Canvas(root)
c.pack(expand=1, fill=tk.BOTH)

words = '''I am writing a program that involves displaying some text in a create_text() box on a Tkinter canvas, within a loop. Each word is displayed, then replaced by the next. Sort of like flash cards. I need to color one letter of each word, close to the middle of the word, so that when the user is reading the words their eyes focus on the middle of the word. So if len(i)=1, color i[0], if len(i)>= 2 and <= 5, color i[1], and so on. It needs to be done using the Canvas, and using canvas.create_text(text = i[focus_index],fill = 'red') The result should print like this exaMple (but obviously "m" would be colored red, not be uppercase)'''
words = words.split()

def new_word(i):
    if i == len(words):
        i = 0

    word = words[i]
    middle = (len(word)+1)//2
    c.itemconfigure(t1, text=word[:middle-1]+' ')
    c.itemconfigure(t2, text=word[middle-1:middle])
    c.itemconfigure(t3, text=word[middle:])

    root.after(100, lambda: new_word(i+1))

t1 = c.create_text(200,100,text='', anchor='e', font=("Courier", 25))
t2 = c.create_text(200,100,text='', anchor='e', font=("Courier", 25), fill='red')
t3 = c.create_text(200,100,text='', anchor='w', font=("Courier", 25))


好的,使用Bryan Oakley 评论中的链接,我进一步改进了代码,使其适用于任何字体,而不仅仅是等宽字体。该代码将彩色字母的中心保持在同一位置,并将单词的正面和背面放置在其周围正确的距离处。

import Tkinter as tk
import tkFont

root = tk.Tk()
c = tk.Canvas(root)
c.pack(expand=1, fill=tk.BOTH)

fn = "Helvetica"
fs = 24
font = tkFont.Font(family=fn, size=fs)

words = '''I am writing a program that involves displaying some text in a create_text() box on a Tkinter canvas, within a loop. Each word is displayed, then replaced by the next. Sort of like flash cards. I need to color one letter of each word, close to the middle of the word, so that when the user is reading the words their eyes focus on the middle of the word. So if len(i)=1, color i[0], if len(i)>= 2 and <= 5, color i[1], and so on. It needs to be done using the Canvas, and using canvas.create_text(text = i[focus_index],fill = 'red') The result should print like this exaMple (but obviously "m" would be colored red, not be uppercase)'''
words = words.split()

def new_word(i):
    if i == len(words):
        i = 0

    word = words[i]
    middle = (len(word)+1)//2

    front = word[:middle-1]
    letter = word[middle-1:middle]
    back = word[middle:]

    c.itemconfigure(t1, text=front)
    c.itemconfigure(t2, text=letter)
    c.itemconfigure(t3, text=back)
    c.coords(t1, 200-font.measure(letter)/2, 100)
    c.coords(t3, 200+font.measure(letter)/2, 100)

    root.after(100, lambda: new_word(i+1))

t1 = c.create_text(200,100,text='', anchor='e', font=font)
t2 = c.create_text(200,100,text='', anchor='c', font=font, fill='red')
t3 = c.create_text(200,100,text='', anchor='w', font=font)

于 2015-03-31T15:07:04.707 回答



import Tkinter as tk

words = '''
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mi leo, vulputate a consectetur in, congue sit amet elit. Fusce lacinia placerat mi, vitae maximus leo congue sed. Donec non diam dapibus, fringilla risus at, interdum sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. 

class Example(tk.Frame):
   def __init__(self, parent):
      tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
      self.text = tk.Text(self, wrap=None, font="Helvetica 24",
      self.text.pack(side="top", fill="x")

      self.text.tag_configure("center", justify="center")
      self.text.tag_configure("red", foreground="red")


   def show_words(self, index):
      next = index + 1 if index < len(words)-1 else 0
      self.after(200, self.show_words, next)

   def show_word(self, word):
      self.text.delete("1.0", "end")
      self.text.insert("1.0", word, "center")
      offset = len(word)/2
      self.text.tag_add("red", "1.0 + %sc" % offset)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   root = tk.Tk()
   Example(root).pack(fill="both", expand=True)
于 2015-03-31T15:57:13.270 回答