I am new to Tkinter. I am trying to destroy the Toplevel window and it gets destroyed perfectly but nothing's running after that. The cursor just keeps on blinking in python shell as it happens while running an infinite loop.
Here's my code :
def error_msg(msg) :
root1 = Tk.Toplevel()
root1.attributes("-topmost", True)
w1 = 230
h1 = 100
ws1 = root1.winfo_screenwidth()
hs1 = root1.winfo_screenheight()
x1 = (ws1/2) - (w1/2)
y1 = (hs1/2) - (h1/2)
root1.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w1, h1, x1, y1))
can1 = Tk.Canvas(root1,width = 230,height=100)
im1 = Image.open("img.png")
tkimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im1)
Canvas_Image1 = can1.create_image(0,0, image=tkimage, anchor="nw")
canvas_id1 = can1.create_text(15, 10, anchor="nw")
can1.itemconfig(canvas_id1, text=msg)
Tk.Button(root1, text='OK', command =root1.destroy).place(x=110,y=70)
print 'lol'
return None
error_msg("This is an error")
print 'Help'
Before this I have already a Tk()
window open so I am using a Toplevel()
On running I am getting a window which opens and shows the message. I click on ok and everything just halts. 'lol' does not print in the shell and function never ends (as return statement is not reached), hence 'Help' is also not printed
Any Idea why is this happening ??