我正在编写一个程序,它将读取两个文件(hw8.data 和 codex.data) hw8.data 包含一首诗,而 codex.data 包含要替换该诗中的单词。我已经将要加载的文件保存在链接列表中。我无法找到匹配的单词并替换它们。例如,我也无法将标点符号从 hw8 转移到新替换的单词上。hw8: Hello World., codex: World sup,所以诗中的新词是Hello sup。这是 hw8.data
Eye have a spelling chequer,
It came with my Pea Sea.
It plane lee marks four my revue,
Miss Steaks I can knot sea.
Eye strike the quays and type a whirred,
And weight four it two say,
Weather eye am write oar wrong,
It tells me straight aweigh.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your shore real glad two no.
Its vary polished in its weigh.
My chequer tolled me sew.
A chequer is a bless thing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right all stiles of righting,
And aides me when eye rime.
Each frays come posed up on my screen,
Eye trussed too bee a joule.
The chequer pours over every word,
Two cheque sum spelling rule.
Eye I
eye I
chequer checker
Pea P
Sea C
plane plainly
lee skip
four for
revue review
Miss Mistakes
Steaks skip
knot not
sea see
quays keys
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {
char * word;
struct node* next;
struct codex {
char *word1;
char *word2;
struct codex *next;
struct node *loadWords(FILE *stream);
struct codex *loadCodex(FILE *stream);
struct node *exchange(struct node *head, struct codex *headC);
int main()
FILE *stream = NULL;
struct node *head;
struct node *temp;
struct node *loop;
struct codex *headC;
struct codex *tempC;
struct codex *loopC;
head = loadWords(stream);
if (head == NULL) {
return 1;
temp = head;//print each word
while (temp != NULL) {
//printf ( "%s\n", temp->word);
temp = temp->next;
headC = loadCodex(stream);
if (headC == NULL) {
return 1;
tempC = headC;//print each word
while (tempC != NULL) {
//printf ( "%s %s\n", tempC->word1, tempC->word2);
tempC = tempC->next;
struct node *exchangedHead;
struct node *temp2;
exchangedHead = exchange(head, headC);
if (exchangedHead == NULL) {
return 1;
temp2 = exchangedHead;//print each word
while (temp2 != NULL) {
//printf ( "%s ", temp2->word);
temp2 = temp2->next;
temp = head;// free memory
while(temp != NULL) {
loop = temp->next;
free ( temp->word);
free ( temp);
temp = loop;
tempC = headC;// free memory
while (tempC != NULL) {
loopC = tempC->next;
free ( tempC->word1);
free ( tempC->word2);
free ( tempC);
tempC = loopC;
return 0;
* This function will go through and load the words from the text file and save it to
* the struct and link the current struct to the next one
struct node *loadWords(FILE *stream) {
struct node *loop = NULL;
struct node *temp = NULL;
struct node *head = NULL;
char *words = NULL;
char *currentWord;
size_t chrCount = 0;
if ((stream = fopen("hw8.data", "r")) == NULL) {
printf ("could not open file\n");
return NULL;
while(getline( &words, &chrCount, stream) > 0) {//read a line from file
currentWord = strtok(words, " ");//get first token
while (currentWord != NULL) {//loop through tokens
if((temp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct node))) == NULL) {
printf("ERROR - Could not allocate memory.\n");
temp->word = strdup ( currentWord);//allocate memory and copy token to word
if ( head == NULL) {
head = temp;//first structure
else {
loop = head;
while ( loop->next != NULL) {//loop to last structure
loop = loop->next;//add structure to end
loop->next = temp;
currentWord = strtok(NULL, " ");//next token
free (words);//release memory
chrCount = 0;//so readline will allocate memory for next line
words = NULL;
return head;
* This function will go through and load the words from the text file and save it to
* the struct and link the current struct to the next one
struct codex *loadCodex(FILE *stream) {
struct codex *loop = NULL;
struct codex *temp = NULL;
struct codex *head = NULL;
char *words = NULL;
char *currentWord;
char *currentWord2;
size_t chrCount = 0;
if (( stream = fopen("codex.data", "r")) == NULL) {
printf ("could not open file\n");
return NULL;
while(getline( &words, &chrCount, stream) > 0) {//read a line from file
currentWord = strtok(words, " ");//get first token
currentWord2 = strtok(NULL, "\n");
while (currentWord != NULL && currentWord2 != NULL) {//loop through tokens
if((temp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct node))) == NULL) {
printf("ERROR - Could not allocate memory.\n");
temp->word1 = strdup ( currentWord);//allocate memory and copy token to word
temp->word2 = strdup ( currentWord2);
if (head == NULL) {
head = temp;//first structure
else {
loop = head;
while ( loop->next != NULL) {//loop to last structure
loop = loop->next;//add structure to end
loop->next = temp;
currentWord = strtok(NULL, " ");//next token
free (words);//release memory
chrCount = 0;//so readline will allocate memory for next line
words = NULL;
return head;
struct node *exchange(struct node *head, struct codex *headC) {
struct node *temp;
temp = head;
while(head != NULL && headC != NULL) {
if(strcmp(head->word, headC->word1)) {
head->word = relloc(head->word, strlen(headC->word2));
head->word = headC->word2;
head->next = temp->next;
headC = headC->next;
temp = temp->next;