我正在尝试完成一项要求我使用 MSP430 微处理器和 Launchpad 套件制作音乐播放器的任务。我让播放器完全正常工作,但由于某种原因,当我尝试在某个音符上方演奏时,它会输出快速点击而不是音调。


asm(" .length 10000");
asm(" .width 132");

#include "msp430g2553.h"
// define the bit mask (within P1) corresponding to output TA0
#define TA0_BIT 0x02
// define the port and location for the button (this is the built in button)
// specific bit for the button
#define BUTTON_BIT 0x04

#define PLUS_BUTTON 0x08  //Defines the "GO FASTER" button to P1.3
#define MINUS_BUTTON 0x10 //Defines the "SLOW DOWN" button to P1.4
#define SHIFT 0x20
// Some global variables (mainly to look at in the debugger)
volatile unsigned halfPeriod; // half period count for the timer
volatile unsigned long intcount=0; // number of times the interrupt has occurred
volatile unsigned soundOn=0; // state of sound: 0 or OUTMOD_4 (0x0080)
volatile int noteCount = 0;
volatile int noteLength = 0;
volatile int deltaHP=1; // step in half period per half period
volatile unsigned int plus_on;
volatile unsigned int minus_on;
volatile double speed = 1;
volatile int shiftkey = 0;

static const int noteArray[] =   {800, 1000, 900, 800}; //THESE ARE THE NOTES
static const int noteLengths[] = {200,  500,  500, 500}; 

void init_timer(void); // routine to setup the timer
void init_button(void); // routine to setup the button
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
void main(){
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
    BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; // 1Mhz calibration for clock
    //halfPeriod=noteArray[0]; // initial half-period at lowest frequency
    init_timer(); // initialize timer
    init_button(); // initialize the button
    _bis_SR_register(GIE+LPM0_bits);// enable general interrupts and power down CPU
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Sound Production System
void init_timer(){ // initialization and start of timer
    TA0CTL |=TACLR; // reset clock
    TA0CTL =TASSEL1+ID_0+MC_2; // clock source = SMCLK, clock divider=1, continuous mode,
    TA0CCTL0=soundOn+CCIE; // compare mode, outmod=sound, interrupt CCR1 on
    TA0CCR0 = TAR+noteArray[0]; // time for first alarm
    P1SEL|=TA0_BIT; // connect timer output to pin
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
void interrupt sound_handler(){
    TACCR0 += (noteArray[noteCount]); // advance 'alarm' time
    if (soundOn){ // change half period if the sound is playing
        if (noteLength >= (speed* noteLengths[noteCount])) {
            if (noteCount == sizeof(noteArray)/sizeof(int)) {
                //halfPeriod += deltaHP;
                noteCount = 0;
    TA0CCTL0 = CCIE + soundOn; //  update control register with current soundOn
    ++intcount; // advance debug counter
ISR_VECTOR(sound_handler,".int09") // declare interrupt vector

目前我只有 4 个随机音符,其中有 4 个随机长度来演示错误。奇怪的咔哒声发生在音符值 800 到 900 之间。我是否只是在代码中遗漏了一些会导致小于 8xx 的数字产生错误的内容?我没有看到任何除法错误或类似的地方,但我可能是错的。谢谢你。

另外:我应该注意,当错误发生时,点击会持续很长时间,比该注释的相应长度长得多,但这不是永久性的。最终,只要它大于 900 左右,演奏者就会转到下一个音符并正常演奏。


1 回答 1


如果中断处理程序执行得不够快,下一个事件TACCR0 += noteArray[...](所以下一个定时器中断不会在 800 滴答之后触发,而是在 2 16 +800 滴答之后触发。


但是,您不应在软件中切换输出,而应利用硬件功能,并使用 PWM 功能生成波形:在 Up 模式下运行定时器,并为第二个 CCR 使用设置/复位输出模式(参见第 12.2 节.5.2 用户指南)。(这意味着您只需要定时器中断来启动/停止音符,因此为了适应 2 16限制,您可能希望使用基于更慢时钟的第二个定时器。)

于 2015-03-31T07:00:47.017 回答