我只能找到 Kruskal 算法和 Prim 算法的实现,这两种算法都只会返回一个 MST。
我看过解决这个问题的论文(例如Representing all minimum spanning trees with applications to count and generation),但我的脑袋往往会因为试图思考如何将其转换为代码而爆炸。
我只能找到 Kruskal 算法和 Prim 算法的实现,这两种算法都只会返回一个 MST。
我看过解决这个问题的论文(例如Representing all minimum spanning trees with applications to count and generation),但我的脑袋往往会因为试图思考如何将其转换为代码而爆炸。
I don't know if this is the solution, but it's a solution (it's the graph version of a brute force, I would say):
O(Elog(V) + V + n) for n = number of spanning trees
, as I understand from 2 minutes's worth of google, can possibly be improved.Note: Do this lazily! Generating all possible trees and then filtering the results will take O(V^2) memory, and polynomial space requirements are evil - Generate a tree, examine it's weight, if it's an MST add it to a result list, if not - discard it.
Overall time complexity: O(Elog(V) + V + n) for G(V,E) with n spanning trees
Ronald Rivest 在 Python 中有一个很好的实现,mst.py
您可以在Sorensen 和 Janssens (2005)的工作中找到一个想法。
这个想法是按递增的顺序生成 ST,一旦你得到更大的 ST 值,就停止枚举。