I'm hoping to solve three problems...

In my app page I have one select for states and another for counties. For states I have:

<select ng-model="filter.stateID" ng-options="item.stateID as item.state for item in st_option">


  { state="California", stateID="5"},
  { state="Arizona", stateID="3"},
  { state="Oregon", stateID="38"},
  { state="Texas", stateID="44"},
  { state="Utah", stateID="45"},
  { state="Nevada", stateID="29"}

For my County select I have:

<select ng-model="filter.countyID" ng-options="item.countyID as item.county for item in co_option">


  { county="Orange", countyID="191", co_state_id="5"},
  { county="Multiple Counties", countyID="3178", co_state_id="3"},
  { county="Sonoma", countyID="218", co_state_id="38"},
  { county="Los Angeles", countyID="190", co_state_id="44"}

This is my ng-repeat:

<div ng-repeat="project in projects | filter:filter">
        State: {{project.state}}<br> 
        County: {{project.county}}<br>
        <span ng-hide="{{project.stateID}}"></span>
        <span ng-hide="{{project.countyID}}"></span>

So, as you can see I'm using the stateID on the state select and on the county select I have the corresponding state id set in co_state_id in the county data set.

I'd like to do a few things:

  1. Hide the county select until a state is selected.
  2. After a state is selected, filter the county select options by the selected stateID / co_state_id
  3. Filter the ng-repeat by first the stateID, then by the countyID.

I also haven't see a way to set filter.stateID to true or filter by a number instead of a string. when I filter by stateID I get mixed results because some stateID's can have "1" in them..


1 回答 1



第 1 部分:添加一个ng-showfor filter.stateID。由于您无法取消选择状态,因此如果您的角度为 ^1.3,则可以使用一次性绑定。

<select ng-show="::filter.stateID" ng-model="filter.countyID" ng-options="item.countyID as item.county for item in co_option">

第 2 部分:添加过滤器{co_state_id : filter.stateID}

<select ng-show="::filter.stateID != null" ng-model="filter.countyID" ng-options="item.countyID as item.county for item in co_option | filter:{ co_state_id : filter.stateID }">

第 3 部分

您正在为过滤器使用模式对象,如果 id 的值为 1 则无关紧要:

对象:模式对象可用于过滤数组包含的对象的特定属性。例如 {name:"M", phone:"1"} 谓词将返回一个项目数组,这些项目的属性名称包含“M”,属性电话包含“1”。可以使用特殊的属性名称 $(如在 {$:"text"} 中)接受与对象的任何属性或其嵌套对象属性的匹配。这相当于上面描述的与字符串的简单子字符串匹配。谓词可以通过在字符串前面加上 ! 来否定。例如 {name: "!M"} 谓词将返回属性名称不包含“M”的项目数组。


var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('myController', function($scope) {
  $scope.projects = [{
    name: 'Project1',
    state: 'CA',
    stateID: '5',
    county: 'Orange',
    countyID: '191'
  }, {
    name: 'Project2',
    state: 'CA',
    stateID: '5',
    county: 'LosAngeles',
    countyID: '190'
  }, {
    name: 'Project3',
    state: 'CA',
    stateID: '5',
    county: 'Orange',
    countyID: '191'
  }, {
    name: 'Project4',
    state: 'MadeUp',
    stateID: '1',
    county: 'MadeUp',
    countyID: '190'

  $scope.st_option = [{
    state: "California",
    stateID: "5"
  }, {
    state: "Arizona",
    stateID: "3"
  }, {
    state: "Oregon",
    stateID: "38"
  }, {
    state: "Texas",
    stateID: "44"
  }, {
    state: "Utah",
    stateID: "45"
  }, {
    state: "Nevada",
    stateID: "29"

  $scope.co_option = [{
    county: "Orange",
    countyID: "191",
    co_state_id: "5"
  }, {
    county: "Multiple Counties",
    countyID: "3178",
    co_state_id: "3"
  }, {
    county: "Sonoma",
    countyID: "218",
    co_state_id: "38"
  }, {
    county: "Los Angeles",
    countyID: "190",
    co_state_id: "44"

  $scope.filter = {};
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.15/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app='app' ng-controller='myController'>
  <select ng-model="filter.stateID" 
          ng-options="item.stateID as item.state for item in st_option"></select>
  <select ng-show="::filter.stateID" 
          ng-options="item.countyID as item.county for item in co_option | filter:{ co_state_id : filter.stateID }">

  <div ng-repeat="project in projects | filter:filter">
      <br>Name: {{ project.name }}
      <br>State: {{project.state}}
      <br>County: {{project.county}}
      <span ng-hide="{{project.stateID}} "></span>
      <span ng-hide="{{project.countyID}} "></span>

于 2015-03-29T18:26:57.123 回答