var build:int=0; //variable that defines which building to place on stage
menuBuilding.house.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fnChooseHouse); //when click on House in Building Menu
function fnChooseHouse (e:Event):void{
build = 1; //building to place is a House.
city.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClickEvent);
function mouseClickEvent(e: MouseEvent): void {
if (build == 0) { //if building not chosen, do nothing
} else if (build == 1) { // if building is a house
var house1: house = new house();
addChild(house1); //add instance of the house
house1.x = stage.mouseX;
house1.y = stage.mouseY; // place the house where I clicked
build = 0; //reset the variable.
house1.mouseChildren=true; //allow instance of house to be clicked.
我的问题是会有很多房子(和其他建筑物)。我试图命名它们并将它们推送到一个数组中(所以我可以使用 for each...in 循环访问它们),但它不起作用。
有人有想法吗?(顺便说一句,我还在学习 AS3,所以我还没有使用外部 .as 文件,仍在时间线上)。提前致谢 :)