我在 Openshift 上有一个可扩展的 PHP 5.4 磁带,有一个青铜帐户。这是一个 wordpress 博客,我使用它直到 2 周前。
使用 rhc tail 检查日志我看到了这一行:
==> app-root/logs/haproxy.log <==
[ALERT] 077/194638 (138628) : proxy 'express' has no server available!
[WARNING] 086/161237 (138628) : Server express/local-gear is DOWN for maintenance.
[WARNING] 086/161239 (33522) : config : log format ignored for proxy 'stats' since it has no log address.
[WARNING] 086/161239 (33522) : config : log format ignored for proxy 'express' since it has no log address.
[WARNING] 086/161239 (33522) : Server express/local-gear is DOWN, reason: Layer7 wrong status, code: 500, info: "HTTP status check returned code <3C>500<3E>", check duration: 65ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
[ALERT] 086/161239 (33522) : proxy 'express' has no server available!
[WARNING] 086/161240 (33522) : Server express/local-gear is DOWN for maintenance.
[WARNING] 086/161323 (33522) : Server express/local-gear is UP (leaving maintenance).
[WARNING] 086/161325 (33522) : Server express/local-gear is DOWN, reason: Layer7 wrong status, code: 500, info: "HTTP status check returned code <3C>500<3E>", check duration: 237ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
[ALERT] 086/161325 (33522) : proxy 'express' has no server available!
我也尝试使用 openshift“重启”按钮重启应用程序,但没有成功。