我有一个 Django 站点,它在使用 HTTPS 协议的服务器上运行良好,我可以在所有类型的浏览器中毫无问题地使用它。
禁止 (403)
CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
You are seeing this message because this HTTPS site requires a 'Referer header' to be sent by your Web browser, but none was sent.
This header is required for security reasons, to ensure that your browser is not being hijacked by third parties.
If you have configured your browser to disable 'Referer' headers, please re-enable them, at least for this site, or for HTTPS
connections, or for 'same-origin' requests.
Reason given for failure:
Referer checking failed - no Referer.
我在 emacs 上尝试过链接、lynx,甚至 w3m 和 eww,但无济于事。
当我使用 HTTP 站点时(比如当我使用 manage.py runserver 时),我可以在文本浏览器上毫无问题地使用该站点,但是我的生产服务器需要 HTTPS 协议,这就是我收到此错误的时候。
[ 编辑:仅出于测试目的,我在生产服务器上为我的 django 站点部署了一个 HTTP 服务器。它在文本浏览器上运行良好...]
[ 编辑:鉴于服务器抛出的消息,为什么没有给出引荐标头?]