我在验证自动续订 IAP 的收据时遇到问题。以下是我用于验证订阅的代码的摘要。我正在使用 Parse 作为后端,并且还包含一些代码。在开发模式下,一切正常,没有问题。它存在于 App Store 中,我所有的 TestFlight 测试人员以及一些真实用户在应用程序尝试验证时都会遇到崩溃。当我尝试将数据保存回 Parse 时,我看到崩溃来自函数的最后,它告诉我我要保存的键为空。( base64
, info
, expirationDate
Apple 的回复,试图验证实时 URL。当我切换到沙盒 url 时,它每次都会验证并工作。
Get the receipt from NSBundle
Get the receipt from Parse database
If neither of them exist:
end the function
if Parse receipt exists:
use it, but first just check the expirationDate stored in Parse
use NSBundle receipt for validation,
If expired based on date from Parse:
build request to send to Apple (my server in production)
Get JSON response, and perform switch statement for response codes
Check for errors or expiration
Save new data to Parse // <-- Cause of the crash is here because the keys are null for some users
PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
//Load the receipt from the app bundle
NSURL *receiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL];
NSData *receipt = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:receiptURL];
//Load the receipt from Parse, already encoded
NSString *saved64 = user[@"base64"];
//Check for at least one instance of a receipt... Either Parse or appBundle
if (!receipt && saved64.length == 0) {
//if (!receipt) {
//No receipt
NSLog(@"No Receipt");
//Base 64 encode appBundle receipt
NSString *receipt64 = [receipt base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
//String to hold base64 receipt (either from Parse or appBundle)
NSString *temp64;
//See if Parse base64 exists
if (saved64.length == 0) {
//Not a receipt in Parse yet, use appBundle
NSLog(@"Using appBundle receipt.");
temp64 = receipt64;
} else {
//Receipt in Parse, use it
NSLog(@"Using Parse receipt.");
temp64 = saved64;
//Check expiration date stored in Parse
NSDate *parseExpDate = user[@"expirationDate"];
if ([[self todayGMT] compare:parseExpDate] == NSOrderedAscending) {
//Active based on Parse, no need to validate...
NSLog(@"Active based on Parse receipt... No need to validate!");
//Base 64 encode appBundle receipt
NSString *receipt64 = [receipt base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
//Create the request
NSString *sharedSecret = @"[shared-secret]";
NSError *error;
//Request with receipt data and shared secret from iTunesConnect
NSDictionary *requestContents = @{@"receipt-data":receipt64, @"password": sharedSecret};
NSData *requestData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:requestContents options:0 error:&error];
if (!requestData) {
//Handle error
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
//Create a POST request with the receipt data.
NSURL *storeURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt"];
//NSURL *sandboxURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt"];
NSMutableURLRequest *storeRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:storeURL];
[storeRequest setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[storeRequest setHTTPBody:requestData];
//Make a connection to the iTunes Store
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:storeRequest queue:queue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) {
if (connectionError) {
} else {
NSError *error;
NSDictionary *jsonResponse = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&error];
if (!jsonResponse) {
NSLog(@"Error at !jsonResponse: %@", error);
NSString *base64 = jsonResponse[@"latest_receipt"];
NSArray *info = jsonResponse[@"latest_receipt_info"];
BOOL isPro;
//Switch statement for subscription status
switch ([jsonResponse[@"status"] intValue]) {
case 21002: {
//The data in the receipt-data property was malformed or missing.
NSLog(@"21002 : The data in the receipt-data property was malformed or missing.");
isPro = NO;
case 21003: {
//The receipt could not be authenticated.
NSLog(@"21003 : The receipt could not be authenticated.");
isPro = NO;
case 21004: {
//The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.
NSLog(@"21004 : The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.");
isPro = NO;
case 21005: {
//The receipt server is not currently available.
NSLog(@"21005 : The receipt server is not currently available.");
isPro = NO;
case 21006: {
//This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.
NSLog(@"21006 : This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.");
isPro = NO;
case 21007: {
//This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.
NSLog(@"21007 : This receipt is from the test environment, but it was sent to the production environment for verification. Send it to the test environment instead..");
isPro = NO;
case 21008: {
//This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired. When this status code is returned to your server, the receipt data is also decoded and returned as part of the response.
NSLog(@"21008 : This receipt is from the production environment, but it was sent to the test environment for verification. Send it to the production environment instead..");
isPro = NO;
case 0: {
//Valid and active
NSLog(@"0 : Valid and active subscription.");
isPro = YES;
default: {
isPro = NO;
//Set user info to database (Parse)
user[@"base64"] = base64;
user[@"info"] = info;
user[@"expirationDate"] = expirationDate;
user[@"isPro"] = [NSNumber numberWithBool:isPro];
[user saveEventually];