for (auto &entry : _records) {
ptree obj;
obj.put("ID", entry.id);
obj.put("CODE", entry.code);
pt.insert(pt.end(), { "", obj });
pt.push_back(ptree::value_type("", obj));
for (auto &entry : _records) {
pt.add("ID", entry.id);
pt.add("CODE", entry.code);
但我看不出这种格式有什么用,因为你会得到各种重复的属性(不是标准的 JSON)并且依赖于属性的顺序(可能并非所有读者都支持)。
$ sqlite3 database.db <<<"create table sitecode(id int primary key, code int);"
$ for a in {1..10}; do echo "insert into sitecode(id,code) values($a, $RANDOM);"; done | sqlite3 database.db
$ ./test
before loading:
The number of Records is: 0
==============[ AS JSON ]===============
after loading:
The number of Records is: 10
(1,24080) (2,9982) (3,3129) (4,5337) (5,23554) (6,3581) (7,32306) (8,12024) (9,9161) (10,27641)
==============[ AS JSON ]===============
// FILE: some header
#include <ostream>
struct SiteCode {
int id;
int code;
SiteCode(int id, int code) : id(id), code(code)
{ }
friend inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, SiteCode const& site) {
return out << "(" << site.id << "," << site.code << ")";
#include <list> // I have deleted some header for sake of readability
// FILE: sqliteDB header
class sqliteDB {
using Records = std::list<SiteCode>;
Records _records;
void load();
Records const& get() const { return _records; }
void printList() const;
void writeJson(std::ostream& os) const;
// FILE: some sqlpp.hpp utility header (inline implementations only)
#include <memory>
#include <sqlite3.h>
namespace sqlpp {
using database = std::shared_ptr<::sqlite3>;
void perror(int rc) {
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) throw std::runtime_error(::sqlite3_errstr(rc));
struct statement {
static statement prepare(database db, std::string const& sql) {
::sqlite3_stmt* stmt = nullptr;
perror(::sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.get(), sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, 0));
return { handle(stmt, ::sqlite3_finalize), db };
int step() { return ::sqlite3_step(_stmt.get()); }
int column_int(int c) { return ::sqlite3_column_int(_stmt.get(), c); }
using handle = std::shared_ptr<::sqlite3_stmt>;
database _db; // keeping it around for the lifetime of _stmt
handle _stmt;
statement(handle&& h, database& db) : _db(db), _stmt(std::move(h)) { }
database open(char const* path) {
::sqlite3* db = nullptr;
perror(::sqlite3_open(path, &db));
return database(db, ::sqlite3_close);
statement prepare(database db, std::string const& sql) {
return statement::prepare(db, sql);
// FILE: sqliteDB implementation file
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
void sqliteDB::load() {
using namespace sqlpp;
auto stmt = prepare(open("/tmp/database.db"), "SELECT ID, CODE FROM SiteCode;");
while (stmt.step() == SQLITE_ROW)
_records.emplace_back(stmt.column_int(0), stmt.column_int(1));
void sqliteDB::writeJson(std::ostream& os) const {
using namespace boost::property_tree;
ptree pt;
for (auto &entry : _records) {
ptree obj;
obj.put("ID", entry.id);
obj.put("CODE", entry.code);
pt.insert(pt.end(), { "", obj });
write_json(os, pt, false);
// FILE: main program
template <typename List>
static void printList(List const& list) {
int s = list.size();
std::cout << "The number of Records is: " << s << "\n";
for (auto& r : list) std::cout << r << " ";
void dump(sqliteDB const& db) {
std::cout << "\n==============[ AS JSON ]===============\n";
int main() {
sqliteDB db;
std::cout << "before loading: \n";
std::cout << "after loading: \n";