Consider this simple code:

type Message struct { /* ... */ }
type MyProcess struct {
    in chan Message

func (foo *MyProcess) Start() {
    for msg := range foo.in {
        // handle `msg`
    // someone closed `in` - bye

I'd like to change MyProcess to support 2 different kinds of messages. I have 2 ideas:

a) Type switch

type Message struct { /* ... */ }
type OtherMessage struct { /* ... */ }
type MyProcess struct {
    in chan interface{} // Changed signature to something more generic

func (foo *MyProcess) Start() {
    for msg := range foo.in {
        switch msg := msg.(type) {
        case Message:
            // handle `msg`
        case OtherMessage:
            // handle `msg`
            // programming error, type system didn't save us this time.
            // panic?
    // someone closed `in` - bye

b) Two channels

type Message struct { /* ... */ }
type OtherMessage struct { /* ... */ }
type MyProcess struct {
    in      chan Message
    otherIn chan OtherMessage

func (foo *MyProcess) Start() {
    for {
        select {
        case msg, ok := <-foo.in:
            if !ok {
                // Someone closed `in`
            // handle `msg`
        case msg, ok := <-foo.otherIn:
            if !ok {
                // Someone closed `otherIn`
            // handle `msg`
    // someone closed `in` or `otherIn` - bye
  1. What's the functional difference between the two implementations? One thing is the ordering differences - only the first one guarantees that the messages (Message and OtherMessage) will be processed in the proper sequence.

  2. Which one is more idiomatic? The approach 'a' is shorter but doesn't enforce message type correctness (one could put anything in the channel). The approach 'b' fixes this, but has more boilerplate and more space for human error: both channels need to be checked for closedness (easy to forget) and someone needs to actually close both of them (even easier to forget).

Long story short I'd rather use 'a' but it doesn't leverage the type system and thus feels ugly. Maybe there is an even better option?


2 回答 2


我也会选择“a”选项:只有一个频道。如果您创建一个基本消息类型 (an interface) 并且两种可能的消息类型都实现了它(或者如果它们也是接口,它们可以嵌入它),那么您可以强制执行类型正确性。


于 2015-03-25T21:15:04.423 回答






type Message struct { /* ... */}
type OtherMessage struct { /* ... */}
type Wrap struct {

type MyProcess struct {
    in chan Wrap

func (foo *MyProcess) Start() {
    for msg := range foo.in {
        if msg.Message != nil {
            // do processing of message here
        if msg.OtherMessage != nil {
            // process OtherMessage here
    // someone closed `in` - bye

struct Wrap 的一个有趣的副作用是您可以同时发送 aMessageOtherMessagein 同一频道消息。由您决定这是否意味着任何事情或是否会发生。


根据类型之间的相似性,您可能想要查看的另一件事是定义一个非空接口,其中 Message 和 OtherMessage 都设置了该方法接收器;也许它将包含完全解决必须进行类型切换的功能。


    MessageID() string
    SerializeJSON() []byte


于 2015-03-25T21:27:45.103 回答