输入将是字符串格式的 JSON 对象或数组类型。这里的可屏蔽键只有静态,否则输入字符串将是动态的。
public final class MaskPIData {
* Mask able keywords mentioned here. It should be in LOWER CASE.
private static final Set<String> MASKABLE_KEYS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
private static final String MASKING_VALUE = "****";
private static final ObjectMapper OBJECTMAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
private MaskPIData() {
private static boolean isValidSet(Set<String> set) {
return set != null && !set.isEmpty();
private static boolean isKnownPrimitiveWrapperModel(Object obj) {
return obj == null || obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Integer || obj instanceof Long
|| obj instanceof Double;
private static JSONObject maskingForJsonObject(Set<String> maskableKeys, JSONObject input) {
if (!isValidSet(maskableKeys) || input == null) {
return input;
Map<String, Object> inputMap = (Map<String, Object>) input;
Map<String, Object> caseInsensitiveInputMap = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entryPair : caseInsensitiveInputMap.entrySet()) {
if (entryPair.getValue() instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray jsonArr = (JSONArray) caseInsensitiveInputMap.get(entryPair.getKey());
maskingForArray(maskableKeys, entryPair.getKey(), jsonArr);
caseInsensitiveInputMap.put(entryPair.getKey(), jsonArr);
} else if (entryPair.getValue() instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) caseInsensitiveInputMap.get(entryPair.getKey());
caseInsensitiveInputMap.put(entryPair.getKey(), maskingForJsonObject(maskableKeys, jsonObj));
} else if (entryPair.getKey() != null && maskableKeys.contains(entryPair.getKey().toLowerCase())) {
caseInsensitiveInputMap.put(entryPair.getKey(), MASKING_VALUE);
return OBJECTMAPPER.convertValue(caseInsensitiveInputMap, JSONObject.class);
private static JSONArray maskingForArray(Set<String> maskableKeys, String key,
JSONArray jsonArr) {
JSONArray toRet = jsonArr;
for (int idx = 0; idx < toRet.size(); idx++) {
Object obj = toRet.get(idx);
if (isKnownPrimitiveWrapperModel(obj)) {
if (key != null && maskableKeys.contains(key.toLowerCase())) {
toRet.add(idx, MASKING_VALUE);
} else {
JSONObject jsonObjFromArray = (JSONObject) toRet.get(idx);
JSONObject maskedJsonObj = maskingForJsonObject(maskableKeys, jsonObjFromArray);
toRet.add(idx, maskedJsonObj);
return toRet;
public static String doMask(String input) {
String maskedData = input;
if (maskedData != null && !maskedData.trim().isEmpty()) {
try {
if (new JSONParser().parse(maskedData) instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONObject maskedOutput = maskingForJsonObject(MASKABLE_KEYS,
(JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(maskedData));
maskedData = OBJECTMAPPER.writeValueAsString(maskedOutput);
} else if (new JSONParser().parse(maskedData) instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray maskedOutput = maskingForArray(MASKABLE_KEYS, null, (JSONArray) new JSONParser().parse(maskedData));
maskedData = OBJECTMAPPER.writeValueAsString(maskedOutput);
} catch (Exception e) {
// to do - Error while masking data
return maskedData;
public static void main(String args[]) {
String input = "{\"item\":{\"test\":\"test\",\"phone\":\"993244\",\"email\":\"mail@mail.com\"}}";