这在.NET中可能吗?P/Invoke 也是一个可接受的解决方案。
这在.NET中可能吗?P/Invoke 也是一个可接受的解决方案。
然而,更典型的做法是使用可用于套接字的几个异步编程 API 之一,它使用 I/O 完成端口将 I/O 操作的处理外包给专用于该目的的线程池。这允许并发但有效地使用线程以最小化上下文切换。
我对当前 .NET 4.5 和 C# 5.0 特性的首选方法是将套接字包装在 的实例中NetworkStream
在 C# 代码中使用。这使得异步代码更容易阅读和实现。
但是您也可以使用 eg Socket.BeginReceive()
or Socket.ReceiveAsync()
不管使用什么 API,典型的服务器实现都会为每个连接包含一个状态对象类。这可以通过每个连接的线程设计来完成,就像使用异步 I/O 设计一样容易。您的状态机将驻留在该状态对象类中,以便套接字上的 I/O 操作处理可以使用状态机。
Use the Socket.Select method.
When you call the method, you pass it three lists of sockets. One is the list of sockets you're waiting for reads, one is a list you're waiting for writes (if the write buffer is full you will have to wait to write), and one is a list you're waiting for errors. You also tell it the maximum amount of time to wait, and it will block that long until one of the sockets is ready. When the function returns, it will modify the lists to remove the sockets that aren't ready.
When you create your read array, put the master/mother socket in so that you will know when there's a new connection. Also put in any existing connections. Put all of those in the error array also. For the write array, you only need to put sockets in when the write buffer is full. Probably this is something you can ignore in your first iteration, but it will be important when you start putting serious traffic through.
When Socket.Select()
returns, you need only loop through the sockets remaining in the read list and process the data as your server requires. Loop through the writes and push out any remaining queued data. Loop through the errors and close those sockets or handle errors. Remember to put the idle sockets back in the list before you call select again!
Absolutely, the trick is to use asynchorous IO (i.e. BeginAccept, EndAccept, BeginRead, EndRead, BeginWrite, and EndWrite). This allows you to handle multiple clients without the need of threads. This is the way that react works.