这是另一种选择:我在 python 中创建了自己的图像到 .GRF 转换器。随意使用它。
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import re
import itertools
import numpy as np
# Use: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/round-to-next-greater-multiple-of-8/
def RoundUp(x, multiple_of = 8):
return ((x + 7) & (-1 * multiple_of))
def image2grf(filePath, width = None, height = None, rotate = None):
image = Image.open(filePath).convert(mode = "1")
#Resize image to desired size
if (width != None):
size = (width, height or width)
if (isinstance(size[0], float)):
size = (int(size[0] * image.width), int(size[1] * image.height))
#Size must be a multiple of 8
size = (RoundUp(size[0]), RoundUp(size[1]))
# image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
image = image.resize(size)
if (rotate != None):
image = image.rotate(rotate, expand = True)
image_asArray = np.asarray(np.asarray(image, dtype = 'int'), dtype = 'str').tolist()
bytesPerRow = len(image_asArray[0])
nibblesPerRow = bytesPerRow // 4
totalBytes = nibblesPerRow * len(image_asArray)
#Convert image to hex string
hexString = "".join(
format(int("".join(row[i*4:i*4 + 4]), 2) ^ 0xF, "x")
for row in image_asArray
for i in range(nibblesPerRow)
#Compose data
data = "~DGimage," + str(totalBytes // 2) + "," + str(nibblesPerRow // 2) + "," + hexString
#Save image
fileHandle = open(r"labelPicture.grf", "w")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# image2grf(r"warning.bmp")
image2grf(r"pallet_label_icons.png", rotate = 90)
编辑:我更新了上面的代码以使用我的新转换方法,这会产生更好的分辨率 GRF 文件