计算点到 3D 三角形的最小距离的一种明显方法是将点投影到三角形平面上,确定结果点的重心坐标,并使用它们来确定投影点是否位于三角形内。如果不是,则将其重心坐标钳制在 [0,1] 范围内,这将为您提供位于三角形内的最近点。
有不同的方法可以找到从点 P0 到三角形 P1、P2、P3 的距离。
二维方法。对这些点应用平移/旋转,使 P1 在原点,P2 在 z 轴上,P3 在 yz 平面上。P0 点的投影是微不足道的(忽略 x 坐标)。这会导致二维问题。使用边方程可以确定三角形最近的顶点或边。然后计算距离很容易。
本文将两者的性能与 2D 方法获胜进行了比较。
测试用例代码和实现在 C# 中
public void ClosestPointToShouldWork()
var r = new Random(0);
double next() => r.NextDouble() * 5 - 1;
var t = new Triangle(new Vector3(0,0,0), new Vector3(3.5,2,0), new Vector3(3,0.0,0));
var hash = new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 );
for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++)
var pt = new Vector3( next(), next(), 0 );
var pc = t.ClosestPointTo( pt );
hash += pc;
// Test the hash
// If it doesn't match then eyeball the visualization
// and see what has gone wrong
hash.ShouldBeApproximately( new Vector3(1496.28118561104,618.196568578824,0),1e-5 );
请注意,可以缓存 Triangle 的某些属性以提高性能。
请注意,返回最近点不需要任何平方根,也不需要将问题转换为 2D。
public class Triangle
public Vector3 A => EdgeAb.A;
public Vector3 B => EdgeBc.A;
public Vector3 C => EdgeCa.A;
public readonly Edge3 EdgeAb;
public readonly Edge3 EdgeBc;
public readonly Edge3 EdgeCa;
public Triangle(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
EdgeAb = new Edge3( a, b );
EdgeBc = new Edge3( b, c );
EdgeCa = new Edge3( c, a );
TriNorm = Vector3.Cross(a - b, a - c);
public Vector3[] Verticies => new[] {A, B, C};
public readonly Vector3 TriNorm;
private static readonly RangeDouble ZeroToOne = new RangeDouble(0,1);
public Plane TriPlane => new Plane(A, TriNorm);
// The below three could be pre-calculated to
// trade off space vs time
public Plane PlaneAb => new Plane(EdgeAb.A, Vector3.Cross(TriNorm, EdgeAb.Delta ));
public Plane PlaneBc => new Plane(EdgeBc.A, Vector3.Cross(TriNorm, EdgeBc.Delta ));
public Plane PlaneCa => new Plane(EdgeCa.A, Vector3.Cross(TriNorm, EdgeCa.Delta ));
public static readonly RangeDouble Zero1 = new RangeDouble(0,1);
public Vector3 ClosestPointTo(Vector3 p)
// Find the projection of the point onto the edge
var uab = EdgeAb.Project( p );
var uca = EdgeCa.Project( p );
if (uca > 1 && uab < 0)
return A;
var ubc = EdgeBc.Project( p );
if (uab > 1 && ubc < 0)
return B;
if (ubc > 1 && uca < 0)
return C;
if (ZeroToOne.Contains( uab ) && !PlaneAb.IsAbove( p ))
return EdgeAb.PointAt( uab );
if (ZeroToOne.Contains( ubc ) && !PlaneBc.IsAbove( p ))
return EdgeBc.PointAt( ubc );
if (ZeroToOne.Contains( uca ) && !PlaneCa.IsAbove( p ))
return EdgeCa.PointAt( uca );
// The closest point is in the triangle so
// project to the plane to find it
return TriPlane.Project( p );
public struct Edge3
public readonly Vector3 A;
public readonly Vector3 B;
public readonly Vector3 Delta;
public Edge3(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
A = a;
B = b;
Delta = b -a;
public Vector3 PointAt(double t) => A + t * Delta;
public double LengthSquared => Delta.LengthSquared();
public double Project(Vector3 p) => (p - A).Dot( Delta ) / LengthSquared;
public struct Plane
public Vector3 Point;
public Vector3 Direction;
public Plane(Vector3 point, Vector3 direction )
Point = point;
Direction = direction;
public bool IsAbove(Vector3 q) => Direction.Dot(q - Point) > 0;
假设您使用的是已知的快速算法之一,那么加速它的唯一方法是对大量三角形进行大量测量。在这种情况下,您可以在“边缘”或“缠绕”结构中保留大量预先计算的数量。您存储由边缘结构组成的网格,而不是存储 3 个点。然后投影变得非常快速,并且可以对重心测试进行编码,以便它们是分支可预测的。
真正的关键是将所有内容都保存在缓存中。处理器可以在近 1 个时钟周期内完成 MUL 和 DIV,因此内存通常是瓶颈。
另外,考虑在SSE3或类似的东西中编写算法(例如Mono 的 SIMD 支持)。这是工作,但如果你足够认真地思考,你通常可以一次做几个三角形。
我会尝试查找有关该主题的一些论文,但您可能想在 Google 上搜索“Ray Mesh Intersection”。当人们努力优化这些东西时,这将带来 80 年代和 90 年代的所有伟大工作。
这是我为计算这个投影而编写的一些健壮的代码,基于这个答案和这篇文章(这又是基于Realtime Collision Detection书)。
代码是在 Java 中,使用 JOML 线性代数库。
* Find the closest orthogonal projection of a point p onto a triangle given by three vertices
* a, b and c. Returns either the projection point, or null if the projection is not within
* the triangle.
public static Vector3d closestPoint(Vector3d p, Vector3d a, Vector3d b, Vector3d c) {
// Find the normal to the plane: n = (b - a) x (c - a)
Vector3d n = b.sub(a, new Vector3d()).cross(c.sub(a, new Vector3d()));
// Normalize normal vector
double nLen = n.length();
if (nLen < 1.0e-30) {
return null; // Triangle is degenerate
} else {
n.mul(1.0f / nLen);
// Project point p onto the plane spanned by a->b and a->c.
// Given a plane
// a : point on plane
// n : *unit* normal to plane
// Then the *signed* distance from point p to the plane
// (in the direction of the normal) is
// dist = p . n - a . n
double dist = p.dot(n) - a.dot(n);
// Project p onto the plane by stepping the distance from p to the plane
// in the direction opposite the normal: proj = p - dist * n
Vector3d proj = p.add(n.mul(-dist, new Vector3d()), new Vector3d());
// Find out if the projected point falls within the triangle -- see:
// http://blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/default.html
// Compute edge vectors
double v0x = c.x - a.x;
double v0y = c.y - a.y;
double v0z = c.z - a.z;
double v1x = b.x - a.x;
double v1y = b.y - a.y;
double v1z = b.z - a.z;
double v2x = proj.x - a.x;
double v2y = proj.y - a.y;
double v2z = proj.z - a.z;
// Compute dot products
double dot00 = v0x * v0x + v0y * v0y + v0z * v0z;
double dot01 = v0x * v1x + v0y * v1y + v0z * v1z;
double dot02 = v0x * v2x + v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z;
double dot11 = v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y + v1z * v1z;
double dot12 = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y + v1z * v2z;
// Compute barycentric coordinates (u, v) of projection point
double denom = (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
if (Math.abs(denom) < 1.0e-30) {
return null; // Triangle is degenerate
double invDenom = 1.0 / denom;
double u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
double v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
// Check barycentric coordinates
if ((u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u + v < 1)) {
// Nearest orthogonal projection point is in triangle
return proj;
} else {
// Nearest orthogonal projection point is outside triangle
return null;