
我有来自 Context.io 的这个库 https://github.com/contextio/contextio-php-example

Context.io 2.0 有 laravel,而 Context.io Lite 没有。


我想在我的 Laravel 4.2 中安装 Context.io Lite 库。

如何在我的 Laravel 4.2 应用程序中添加 Context.io Lite 库?


  • 我正在开发一个 API
  • 使用 PHP laravel 4.2
  • 我想集成 Context.io Lite
  • Context.io Lite Library 没有很多文件。只有4个files.php

1 回答 1


I'm a developer on the Context.IO team, though only passingly familiar with Laravel. Laravel uses Composer so it should be simple to add the Lite library. Just add this to your composer.json file, which should be in the root of your Laravel project:

"require": { "contextio/php-contextio-lite": "dev-master" }

Then run composer install from the command line to install the library.

The example project can give you some basics to help you get started. Also, don't hesitate to contact the dev team at support@context.io for additional support if you need it.

于 2015-03-24T15:23:34.157 回答