有没有人知道如何使用名为 jpagination 的 jquery 记录集分页插件?我已经搜索了网络,但没有实质性的信息,它只说是使用



1 回答 1


With pagination plugins you select a parent element and the paginator automatically selects next child elements to page. So, if you have....

<div id="wrapper">
    <div class="item">1</div>
    <div class="item">2</div>
    <div class="item">3</div>
    <div class="item">4</div>

You would paginate on the "wrapper" element.


I'm not certain what the restrictions are on this particular plugin but I would think it would adapt to nearly any parent->children DOM relationship, not just divs. There's documentation on their web site and you can always browse the source of their working demos.

于 2010-05-27T13:02:32.543 回答