我无法设置生产中的监控级别。我在 WebRole 项目中启用了诊断(还带有性能计数器和 Azure 存储连接)。我检查 azure 存储表 - 数据已写入。如何启用更改监控级别?
PS我用户Azure SDK 2.5
我无法设置生产中的监控级别。我在 WebRole 项目中启用了诊断(还带有性能计数器和 Azure 存储连接)。我检查 azure 存储表 - 数据已写入。如何启用更改监控级别?
PS我用户Azure SDK 2.5
There is a compatibility issue with SDK 2.5 that causes the verbose monitoring settings to be unavailable in the portal. To resolve this you should be able to add the following configuration setting to your csdef/cscfg and set it to a valid storage account:
<Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=diagstore;AccountKey=+Pgl4GVRy01UUy9uL4cFqsufI/79xsqBAHkNmYsDycfY8Qs5dZXzqgs8AZl1XsJWvGgEUsW/smz1DvswusCxjw==" />
SDK 2.6 will resolve this issue.